NintendoAge -Sqooner Random big mario fish with koopas covering NA page 2013-12-14T06:46:37 -05.00 yukfou 4
PLOP! ]]>
Random big mario fish with koopas covering NA page 2013-12-12T03:34:37 -05.00 yukfou 4 Random big mario fish with koopas covering NA page 2013-12-12T03:23:55 -05.00 yukfou 4
It used to happen to me a lot but I haven't seen it for about 3 months. ]]>
Random big mario fish with koopas covering NA page 2013-12-12T03:22:13 -05.00 yukfou 4
Seriously, what in the world is this? I mean it's funny and all, but it's blocking most of the site. Did someone hack the site or is this on purpose or what? Here's a screen shot of it.
