NintendoAge -Sqooner Fake news... 2019-08-29T11:20:47 -05.00 zeroone 8 The NintendoAge moderators read the private messages and decided everybody should have banner ads all the time.  You see, we have a huge banner ad section on our home page and some people do not like it so we have had to put some ads in there every night. This means we had to pay a premium for our banner ads, so we asked for the right to put those banners in. We got our wishes (they were paid) and all our banners are on sale.  We are now at 30 banner ads on our home page and about 300 banner ads on our banner pages and a few are there every night.
There is also lots of money in that, and the ads only run while you use the site, so they can't be taken down.  We have a ton of money, and we love the community.  You see, we are really excited about the new page to come, the Super Mario Shroomery with all the Mario Bros. games, so this is why we put up our banner ad.  We can do this forever, so we are happy people like us get to post banners in front of our community all ]]>
Fake news... 2019-08-29T09:19:33 -05.00 zeroone 8
[The NES game purchased at GameStop turned out to be] one of the greatest games of all-time because of two things: the amazing characters and the unbelievable soundtrack. Even though the game has a simple concept that all people can enjoy, and even though the game does have a simple premise, you can't help but feel that this game is special because it is a true masterpiece.

The game follows a story in which we follow four kids (R, T, Mio, and Mio) as they live a good old fashioned childhood. Unfortunately, one day T goes off and changes his life. T was a boy who lived in this world with his father (R), his friends (Mio and Mio) plus all the animals he met. After hearing of a magical creature known as "The Hero", who has the power to change reality, T travels to Earth to prove his strength to the world and stop this beast.

What happens? That was the first question anyone asked when I started playing the game. Well, here we go again – T's change in life has a great impact on the story. ]]>
Fake news... 2019-08-29T08:59:47 -05.00 zeroone 8
#whyicollect   ]]>
Fake news... 2019-08-28T14:51:29 -05.00 zeroone 8 Fake news... 2019-08-28T14:42:27 -05.00 zeroone 8 Fake news... 2019-08-28T14:33:02 -05.00 zeroone 8 Originally posted by: zeroone

The Nintendo Entertainment System games that she found contain images of naked women with their mouths taped shut. The item they found was a set of Nintendo 64s with their NES games covered in duct tape, along with a black mask (from the Mario series) and the label "No No-No".
Jesus ]]>
Fake news... 2019-08-28T10:40:43 -05.00 zeroone 8 Fake news... 2019-08-28T09:54:13 -05.00 zeroone 8

Here are a few examples of what it did when prompted with the phrase "a mother in Miami discovered an extremely valuable NES game":

A mother in Miami discovered an extremely valuable NES game in her daughter's bedroom that had been sitting there untouched for a few years.

The woman, who asked that her name not be used, recently found the Nintendo version of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap during a renovation.

Upon seeing it, the woman turned to her daughter and said, "See those yellow things in the corner that are used in minigame?" She then proceeded to point out which one it was.

Her daughter, in awe, put the NES game back in her room after the woman had stopped yelling at her for a moment, according to ABC News.

An owner of the house is hoping to sell the Super Famicom game for $70,000 and it's all thanks to the mother who found it. The woman has since been contacted by someone looking to acquire the game for her son in the same neighborhood, where the original owner lives. (RELATED: Man Finds NES Game Hidden Inside Minish Cap [VIDEO])

We wish this game had been stored somewhere safe and accessible since it was...

A mother in Miami discovered an extremely valuable NES game during the renovation of their kitchen.

This one is a classic: Super Mario Brothers, from 1981. If you don't remember it, it's time to revisit it.

According to the Miami Herald, when the mother opened up her NES to clean out the cabinets that contained the game, she found an extra disc in the case that seemed to be made for a NES Classic. So, they brought the case to an expert who determined the extra disc contained the game for a limited run. Now she's putting down a deposit on one of these NES Classics in support of the Kickstarter campaign launched by Nintendo.

"This is a rare treasure. And I'm looking for one," the mother, named Cindy, told the Miami Herald. "We've been playing all the games, and we've been putting down a deposit so that we can have more in our collection. This is what we needed as a child, and this is what we will miss after we die."

The Miami Mother is one of many backers of the Kickstarter campaign. Nintendo will send the...

A mother in Miami discovered an extremely valuable NES game worth more than $1,200 when she pulled a game box from her basement door and was shocked to find five games worth thousands of dollars inside.

Kathy Ann Gullickson, 50, was cleaning up when she found a box from an adult game company in her basement. She says the games were worth $2,000 and had a very high grade: "The blue and red ones with the dots in them looked like they were made by Nintendo."

The collection wasn't her alone; Gullickson discovered the boxes along with other games while renovating her home last week.

"I really don't think you can imagine my surprise," she says.

And the family is taking legal action against the company. Nintendo of America has filed suit against Gullickson for breach of contract and negligence.

Gullickson says she's already bought a replacement game box and other items to replace the ones destroyed, as she's done before and will do again.

If you want a replacement game, Gullickson says Nintendo requires games...


A mother in Miami discovered an extremely valuable NES game inside her son's bedroom last year. The boy didn't even know it was there until he moved in with his family.

After finding a note saying she needed it as a gift, the young boy's mother did what any parent would do: She contacted local police and called Nintendo to let them know about the game, then went home and played it. The police found a Nintendo Entertainment System lying on top of the boy's bed. The boy then told his parents about it, and when they took off, they discovered an even more valuable Nintendo Entertainment System lying next to the bed: a copy of Super Mario Bros. 2: Yoshi's Island.

The next day, as his parents attempted to return the game to Nintendo, Mario, Princess Peach, and Shy Guy all vanished. The next day, he woke up to a huge pile of empty cereal boxes on the floor, with a notice in the front: "Sorry, no more Wii games. We can't even return them!"

The boy spent over $500 on new video games that weren't even...

A mother in Miami discovered an extremely valuable NES game as she was walking her dog. The Nintendo Entertainment System games that she found contain images of naked women with their mouths taped shut. The item they found was a set of Nintendo 64s with their NES games covered in duct tape, along with a black mask (from the Mario series) and the label "No No-No".

The items were discovered while the woman's dog was walking. One of the games covered in duct tape was "Mario Kart: Double Dash" along with a sticker on the side stating "No No-No". The woman thought the items might have been lost or destroyed. However, when she opened the box, she found the actual box containing the items.

Police believe the woman found the actual game with the NES on their front porch.

If you have any information regarding this case, please contact the West Miami Police Department or West Miami Police Department Crime Scene Investigator.

Note: The photos and items have been blurred out to protect the privacy of the person seen in these photos. ]]>