NintendoAge -Sqooner Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2015-04-11T19:57:07 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2015-04-11T18:31:43 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2014-07-24T15:49:37 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Originally posted by: JaxsBox

Originally posted by: Wren

All I can say on this topic, is gratz on the find, and thanks for keeping this stuff alive!

Last few years have been putting a fair amount of effort towards preserving these older test/dev items. It's one of the main reasons I collect. Love finding the obscure items that require research for some times years to find out all the details on it.
I have a general interest in learning things I don't know.
I'm the kind of person that can read wikipeadia for days just following links to interesting stories.

When learning new interesting things, overlaps with my rabid love of retro games, well, it's just hard to explain.

I really love reading about these finds and learning about the hardware that was used and how it was used.

You're doing gods work my friend.

Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2014-07-24T15:45:32 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Originally posted by: Wren

All I can say on this topic, is gratz on the find, and thanks for keeping this stuff alive!

Last few years have been putting a fair amount of effort towards preserving these older test/dev items. It's one of the main reasons I collect. Love finding the obscure items that require research for some times years to find out all the details on it.
Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2014-07-24T15:07:39 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2014-07-24T14:32:53 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2014-07-24T09:36:59 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2014-01-24T06:29:05 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Also being talked about over on Assemblers ]]> Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2014-01-23T12:51:49 -05.00 JaxsBox 34 Nintendo DUCK GameBoy Dev??? **RARE** 2014-01-23T12:22:27 -05.00 JaxsBox 34