NintendoAge -Sqooner NA Rarity Index 2017-12-26T12:42:20 -05.00 Max Vador 31 Originally posted by: Ferris Bueller
Originally posted by: Noobguy
I was recently told that <50 copies of Xmas 2008 were made (I have no way to confirm, but maybe someone does), and it's listed as a 9 rarity. Meanwhile, Stadium Events, which has hundreds, maybe thousands of copies, is listed as a 9, and Myriad, which has what, like at least 888 copies, a 10.

You're not including the hype factor.
 I would understand for a lot of games without production numbers to use eBay data as a proxy, but if there is a good estimate of the # available, it seems odd to list one as a 10 and another that’s 10x+ rarer as an 8. 
NA Rarity Index 2017-12-26T11:52:06 -05.00 Max Vador 31 Originally posted by: Noobguy
I was recently told that <50 copies of Xmas 2008 were made (I have no way to confirm, but maybe someone does), and it's listed as a 9 rarity. Meanwhile, Stadium Events, which has hundreds, maybe thousands of copies, is listed as a 9, and Myriad, which has what, like at least 888 copies, a 10.

You're not including the hype factor. ]]>
NA Rarity Index 2017-12-26T11:47:12 -05.00 Max Vador 31
Didn't want to start a new thread.

I'm curious people's thoughts on listings like Xmas 2008 and Huge Insect.

Supposedly 78 copies of Huge Insect were made. It's on the own list of 9 users here. But it's rarity is listed as only an 8.

I was recently told that <50 copies of Xmas 2008 were made (I have no way to confirm, but maybe someone does), and it's listed as a 9 rarity.

Meanwhile, Stadium Events, which has hundreds, maybe thousands of copies, is listed as a 9, and Myriad, which has what, like at least 888 copies, a 10. ]]>
NA Rarity Index 2015-07-31T15:58:19 -05.00 Max Vador 31
He made some of my recommended changes, but even that is just the perspective of one person. Perhaps it could be weighted to be 50% whatever the administration enters, and 50% from community ratings? (I'm assuming there is a field where you can enter your own custom rarities) ]]>
NA Rarity Index 2015-07-24T10:56:29 -05.00 Max Vador 31 NA Rarity Index 2015-07-24T10:54:22 -05.00 Max Vador 31
As I mentioned in another thread, the rarest of the rare are pretty much unobtainable, even when throwing money out and placing bounties. But a lot of people look at rarity in terms of value.

IMO, one cannot accurately compare rarity across systems, unless the rarities are adjusted somehow. As someone had mentioned elsewhere on NA, a R10 on Atari 2600 is going to be different than a R10 on NES, than a R10 on N64. Different production numbers, etc, though at the same time, they all *should be* the rarest that the system has to offer.

Likewise, I feel that comparing rarities within a system, yet across different types / regions, also lands us in the same pitfall, unless we take care to somehow once again adjust things. As an example:

Super Mario Bros. (USA) region has is R1 according to the database, whereas Super Mario Bros. (Asian) region is at R7. But I would suspect that the actual situation is somewhat different. Being one of Nintendo's most important game releases, compared to the other Asian region games, Super Mario Bros. probably has an equal / slightly larger product than less popular titles. And thus the rarity (imo) is a bit pointless, since the game is of course going to be rarer for an American trying to obtain it, whereas the folks in Indonesia are turning these carts up left and right. So the rarity should be adjusted to the region.

Or if the rarity is of games is going to be compared across regions, then things such as the single cartridge Sachen monochrome Game Boy games should easily be placed at rarities of 8+, most not even being confirmed to exist up through now.

Then we have the issue of comparing across class, licensed versus unlicensed (unlicensed generally will have a smaller production run) vs homebrew (and the limited edition homebrew has an even smaller production run). So if comparing across class, then I personally feel some rarities would have to be adjusted as well.

To sum it up, where '>' equals the term 'is rarer than', a one off homebrew > a gold NWC > Huge Insect > Flintstones, in actual rarity. ]]>
NA Rarity Index 2015-07-21T12:23:37 -05.00 Max Vador 31 NA Rarity Index 2015-07-21T12:04:26 -05.00 Max Vador 31 NA Rarity Index 2015-07-21T11:56:19 -05.00 Max Vador 31 Originally posted by: Max Vador

understood. this was my main question as i know it's all but impossible to have a rarity index in the purest form. i suppose NA's guide could be called an "availability guide" to be most accurate.
NO!! It's the NA rairity guide.

After a relatively kind explination of the process by many members and even The Evil Overlord himself, you still want to change it?

**Is nominated for PADF** ]]>
NA Rarity Index 2015-07-21T11:01:02 -05.00 Max Vador 31