NintendoAge -Sqooner Game Core / Too Many Games and My Involvement 2010-10-05T12:04:00 -05.00 Game Core 1
     There has been some confusion with Game Core and Too Many Games and my role in both. I am stepping down from Game Core and leaving control to Matt Scheer. Game Core will go more in the direction of Tabletop Gaming, RPG's, Board Games, etc. As most of you know my heart is in video games.

 In the past year since the first Game Core alot has happened. Me and Chuck have done 2 solid Too Many Games events and I am really happy with the way things are going working with Chuck again. I am looking forward to this spring's Too Many Games event - which planning is already underway for.

      I wish the best to Matt with Game Core and hope to work with him in bringing some Tabletop Games and more to Too Many Games.

      I can still be contacted at [email protected] as it would be too much work for me to go through all of my emails and save everything I need - but my main Convention email will be [email protected].

    If you need to get in contact with matt about Game Core please contact him at [email protected].

 I hope this clears up any and all confusion and makes things easier for both events.