NintendoAge -Sqooner Hello All! 2016-05-11T05:52:43 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9 Hello All! 2016-05-11T01:38:54 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9 Hello All! 2016-05-11T01:33:23 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9 Hello All! 2016-05-10T19:36:05 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9 ]]> Hello All! 2016-05-10T18:23:52 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9 Hello All! 2016-05-10T18:20:05 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9 Hello All! 2016-05-10T18:16:03 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9 Hello All! 2016-05-10T18:14:28 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9 Hello All! 2016-05-10T17:51:48 -05.00 Shoggoth80 9
Grew up w/ the Atari 2600, 8 bit, NES, SNES. Got into Playstation later on. First system I purchased with my own money. My family is a bunch of packrats, so we never got rid of anything. I just care about this stuff a lot more than other family have just sort of kept running with it. Lol. Been playing games since I could hold a joystick. My collection really blew up in the 2001-2009 range, and has had bits and pieces added off and on at random intervals since. It really is all fun and games. Out of all of them... I have the most games for the PSX/PS2, but have the most fun collecting NES/FC...possibly because it's been a while since I've found any previously unknown Atari, or PSX/PS2 title that got me excited. I am STILL fidning fun stuff for the NES/FC, and SNES/SFC. 

Anyway, not super certain where I was going with all that. Just wanted to say hi to everyone, and give a little background. New to Nintendoage, not new to Nintendo. Lol.  ]]>