NintendoAge -Sqooner PAL Crystal in a US SNES Shell 2017-01-02T12:05:22 -05.00 3li.Luc 1  
Wanted to put this out as a point of referance for people that might get an SNES with a black and white problem. 

Just recieved an SNES from for about $60. Got it hooked up and got the dreaded Black and White. But it wasn't just black and white, it a weird pattern aswell (See Pics - NOTE: I was able to get a little bit of color out of it by adjusting the red screw a little. Some purple and green). So I tried hooking up to an old monitor I have that has composite inputs. Worked...full color! So I tired it on another HDTV, black and white again. I was confused. So I opened it up to clean it out and found the problem. An odd protruding crystal was installed (See Pic). Written on it is 21.253666 (PAL mHz). 

I've ordered a correct 21.47727 crystal and look forward to installing it and seeing if it fixes it.  Anyone else ever recieve an SNES with mixed parts? ]]>