NintendoAge -Sqooner Seeking co-hosts for Retro and Comtemporary Gaming Podcast 2011-11-14T01:46:33 -05.00 Satoshi_Matrix 1
Here's a list of criteria that I'm looking for:

-Must have at least semi-decent quality recording mic and pc of specs good enough to record.
-Must be available at least once a week to record a podcast, preferably at the same time each week to allow for consistency.  
-Must have some knowledge of retro gaming, but you don't have to be an expert or anything.
-Must have Skype

The format will go like this:

1. Introductions

2. Games you've been playing that week (all hosts share)

3. Mini game review - talk about a specific game, co-hosts can ask questions or share experiences or give their thoughts. Each host gives a mini game review each week. Again, you don't have to be an expert, all you need to do is be able to talk about a given game for a few minutes. Can be retro or
modern, anything goes.

4. Tech talk. Depending on who I get as a co-host(s) this may change. The basic idea I have is that I give audio tutorials of fairly simple mods like disabling a toaster NES' lockout chip or perhaps talk about different controllers for a given system and debate with are the best. Eventually this may even turn into answering listeners questions regarding fixing various problems or something like that.

5. Recent pick ups - each host talks about if they've bought or found anything game related that week.

So if you think you have think you meet the criteria I'm looking for and have something to add to the conversation, then shoot me a pm. The most important thing is that you'll be available.

Thanks!  ]]>