NintendoAge -Sqooner The SNES Rankings: Volume I 2018-01-22T13:27:11 -05.00 Brock Landers 41 The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-11-09T01:52:24 -05.00 Brock Landers 41
lol and stonewall was the character for elite rim protection

Alot of sports on the list so far. Glad to not see NCAA Football on there yet. That one is my favorite. I still play that game every thanksgiving with cousins. Its our go to sports competition game. Decades of history at this point haha. ]]>
The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-11-08T21:03:26 -05.00 Brock Landers 41 The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-10-29T13:26:25 -05.00 Brock Landers 41 Originally posted by: Steve

First chance to comment on this. Awesome job/project Brock! I remember you sharing this with me on Reddit last year. It's nice to see it in motion publicly now. I have been working on my own top SNES list (either 150 or 200) but it's nothing to the length you are doing. I look forward to reading these volumes in the coming months. I got a few weird guilty pleasures myself that I am curious where you would rank.

PS- how long have you been working on this project so far? I started putting together a spreadsheet back nearly.... 6 years ago?  Actively trying to experience every game?  I guess since the 90s when I had every rom and went through the whole library alphabetically.  I didn't start writing until June this year though
The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-10-21T11:16:51 -05.00 Brock Landers 41
PS- how long have you been working on this project so far? ]]>
The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-10-20T22:00:33 -05.00 Brock Landers 41
I'd argue about Lord of the Rings, you didn't need a multitap unless you wanted to have more than 2 people playing. Yes, Pippin is controlled by port 4, but Sam, who you get in the same opening town, is controlled by player 2... until you get to Bree and Aragorn becomes 1P and Frodo 2P.

Then again, it is a buggy mess of fetch-quests.   ]]>
The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-10-20T15:14:26 -05.00 Brock Landers 41

Volume II is probably about 50% done at this point. I aim to have posted sometime in November. ]]>
The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-10-09T17:59:13 -05.00 Brock Landers 41 The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-10-09T12:45:15 -05.00 Brock Landers 41 The SNES Thread: Volume I 2017-10-09T11:17:08 -05.00 Brock Landers 41 Originally posted by: gunpei

Could HAVE. Not "of". Please, I beg of you.

Otherwise, great read. Every time I see a list like this I say to myself, "jeez, hasn't this been done to death already?" No, it hasn't. A+ I already had to correct about 5 instances of that, guess one slipped through anyways  

Thanks for the positive feedback everyone.  The next entry has already been long in-progress, but since it's 50 entries as opposed to 14 I still have a significant amount of writing to finish, and some games to finalize.
