NintendoAge -Sqooner Need NES Artwork Help. Its a personal project 2010-09-03T16:49:03 -05.00 jonnyquest 1 I am trying to put together a nice selection of ideas for a tattoo that I am going to get. It will be Nintendo based.
Not strictly one system or group of characters, but a collage of things (this is going to be a big tattoo).

I have spent time on Google and various other sites searching for some inspirational stuff, but I am stuck.

So what better than to ask fellow gamers and Nintendo lovers. Send me images, or post them here. Throw some ideas at me, if you are artistic and have custom work, please PM me with it, if its something I like and want to use, I will pay for the work, and your signature will be inked into that portion of the tattoo.

Basically I am in need of suggestions. IF you have some old posters or game books that have some nice art in it, please help me out.

Cartoony is the way I want to go with it, I am going to do a leg probably mid thigh to ankle.  I have decided on including these characters/itmes so far...Just need ideas what to do with them all:

Mario & Luigi (holding/throwing Fire Power...maybe, or Big Mario & small Luigi)
Toad (in Kart)
Link (blue Tunic)
Yoshi (eating something?)
Ghosts (SNES style)
Slot machine (Mario 2)
Flag Pole & Castle
Bombas (walking and exploding)
Mushrooms & Stars & Flowers & Feather
Clouds (with the guy tossing spike balls or fishing with a free man)
