NintendoAge -Sqooner Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-22T08:33:41 -05.00 Battymo 9 ]]> Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-21T18:15:49 -05.00 Battymo 9 Originally posted by: the_wizard_666

Rising prices don't bother me...skyrocketing prices due to overpricing/overpaying does. I gotta start bankrolling for the rare shit now so I can get it before they get too damn expensive! I blame the Canadian dollar...I'll never be able to complete my collection until it's worth more than the US dollar [IMG][/IMG]

Yeah, its always good to go for the rare stuff first and the cheap stuff later if you ask me... because you know the cheap stuff won't go up while the expensive stuff will. It's a lot easier to fill in those commons later than it is too fill in the expensive ones once they go up. I could see stadium events etc etc doubling every five or six years or so.

Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-20T02:30:56 -05.00 Battymo 9 ]]> Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-20T00:16:35 -05.00 Battymo 9
By the way, that game you wanted (simpsons? muppets?) the buyer punked out on. You had said you might be interested, pm me if so. thanks. ]]>
Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-19T22:28:08 -05.00 Battymo 9 ]]> Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-19T22:10:07 -05.00 Battymo 9 Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-19T14:03:59 -05.00 Battymo 9 Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-19T13:05:56 -05.00 Battymo 9 Caltron 6 in 1 2006-12-19T12:38:00 -05.00 Battymo 9 Auction Here

Wonder what the reserve is set for... ]]>