NintendoAge -Sqooner How to see only posts made since I last viewed site? 2011-02-03T20:06:53 -05.00 Zing 3 How to see only posts made since I last viewed site? 2011-02-03T14:34:37 -05.00 Zing 3 How to see only posts made since I last viewed site? 2011-02-03T14:26:47 -05.00 Zing 3
What I am looking for is a way to see only the posts made since I last viewed the site. This is driving me crazy! On some of the other forums I frequent, my main method of browsing is to click on a "new posts" button, which shows me all of the posts made since I last visited. I have yet to figure out how to do that here.

What I end up doing is using a combination of the latest topics and posts features to browse recent posts. This sort of works, but it shows me everything, so I end up browsing stuff I have already read. Every day is "have I read this one yet?"

Actually, the worst part about using the the "latest topic" is that there is no way to jump right to the first unread reply in thread. My choices are to either view the first post in the thread, or the last (or whatever specific post I happened to click on in the "latest posts" section).

Is there an existing feature that will allow me to see only posts made since I last logged in, and maybe allow me to jump right to the first new reply in the thread? If not, how hard would it be to add?