NintendoAge -Sqooner Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-11-02T13:27:11 -05.00 NickyP 15 I was thinking today that pretty much all of Strider is shittily translated. A great game mind you, but if ever Ryu is receiving instructions or talking to someone, it's pretty hilarious throughout Hahaha I was just saying that to myself about 15 minutes ago when I was rocking out strider on my GBA at work. I always wondered why they didn't just have a native english speaker translate stuff. Especialy since there's japanese words that can't even be translated in to english like "Senpai" which means mentor. When they have a japanese english speaker translate then Mentor etc. will be the translation which sounds totaly retarded in an english conversation. Same goes for Anime and CNN. There's plenty of native english speakers that can speak japanese that I know would be more than willing to be a game/movie translator. ]]> Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-11-02T10:01:14 -05.00 NickyP 15 A great game mind you, but if ever Ryu is receiving instructions or talking to someone, it's pretty hilarious throughout ]]> Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-11-01T22:11:29 -05.00 NickyP 15 ]]> Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-11-01T19:10:09 -05.00 NickyP 15 Originally posted by: Dr. Morbis ^ Yeah it was probably supposed to be Errol, but you know how they can be with those R's and L's... Then wouldn't it be Ellol. ]]> Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-11-01T17:50:16 -05.00 NickyP 15 ]]> Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-11-01T09:33:36 -05.00 NickyP 15 ]]> Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-10-30T15:54:32 -05.00 NickyP 15 Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-10-30T14:26:02 -05.00 NickyP 15 Originally posted by: Nesboy43

Being the fanboy I am, I would have to say "I am Error".

There's no problem with "I am Error", it's a common myth though. 
When you reach a later town, there is a character that tells you to backtrack and talk to Error of Ruto town or something along those lines to get a specific hint. 
It really only seems like a poor translation when taken out of context.

Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-10-26T22:11:40 -05.00 NickyP 15
Favorite Bugs/Easter eggs/Mis-Translations 2007-10-26T19:32:26 -05.00 NickyP 15