NintendoAge -Sqooner Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-19T05:00:47 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14 Originally posted by: Shiru

One hacky solution for the issue with GB music would be porting FamiTone or some other sound engine to GB; wavetable would always play triangle, no true stereo sound (maybe fixed pseudo stereo), no DPCM - but at least music and sound effects could be done in a convinient way. That would be more than enough. Great musicians can work around the limitations. And I'm quite sure that this will get many people developing for the GB. I know several people who would like to produce games for the GB but just can't be bothered as there's no real sound engine.

FamiTone would be perfect.

Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-18T13:32:21 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14 Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-18T12:55:22 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14 Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-18T07:45:59 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14 Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-08T09:12:05 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14 Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-08T02:39:58 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14
First of all, the game I plan to make for Game Boy is basically Checkers(aka Draughts), in the form of a homebrew Game Boy title. Like I said in my last post, the game will be very basic in comparison to even the earliest Game Boy games. That said, if Game Boy development really is that difficult(as in "pretty much impossible to code for" difficult and not "I've never programmed in my life before" difficult), I'll consider either seeking a programmer(which is unlikely) or developing for NES but that will mean dropping the Checkers idea entirely(I just hate the idea of a Checkers game being released on a home console rather than a handheld.). So in that case, I do have an arcade-style platformer planned for NES when the Checkers game is finished or cancelled. ]]>
Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-07T00:58:19 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14 Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-06T09:39:29 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14 Originally posted by: Shiru

Gameboy's CPU is not Z80 at all (just a bit simular evolution of 8080), it is unique, with a ton of its own quirks, inculding very confusing one (the 16-bit increment bug with OAM corruption). So don't expect getting much help from Z80 community.
  Good to know.
I had the impression it was a stripped down Z80 (i.e. lacking a lot of common Z80 instructions) with a few unique instructions added in.

But I guess it's different enough that not a lot of Z80 knowledge would transfer.

Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-05T18:05:24 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14
Also, I personally don't know any ready-to-use solution to create and add music and sound effects to a GB project, while on the NES we have like 4-5 now, complete with convinient tools and many people who knows how to use it. ]]>
Game Boy Homebrew: Where do I start? 2016-04-05T10:10:55 -05.00 A Generic Screenname 14
*edit* to further refine my point, yes, of course the GB has been reverse engineered thoroughly, and documented. But to bring lots of people into the community, you have to have very very robust support, documentation written FOR newbies, and people at the ready to help. I, myself, might not be coding for the NES if it weren't for these characteristics of the nes community. Hunting through sparse, old documents and tools, and finding people who can help for the GB would be an uphill battle if I was starting from scratch.

*edit* And finally, I'll just qualify all the above with: I'm not that smart. I usually need help when I learn things. Some folks are super smart, and have an uncanny ability to synthesize sparse information all on their own. If the OP is such a person, more power to him...didn't mean to discourage, just pointing out facts about the communities surrounding each system so he can make his own decision. ]]>