NintendoAge -Sqooner SNES Strategies 2018-02-21T19:35:35 -05.00 Brock Landers 71 SNES Strategies 2018-02-21T12:48:51 -05.00 Brock Landers 71 RPM Racing - There's no reason to race every track -- pick the one where you can reliably finish #1 every time and stick with that; there's an excellent guide on GameFAQs that will help a lot in that department. Remember that the game only saves when you go up or down a level. Always grind until you can afford the best available upgrades, ideally with plenty of cash left over. Save enough money to allow you to skip the final set of tracks entirely. Oil slicks are largely useless; nitrous is crucial later on. Shortcuts are abundant in tracks that cross over themselves.

Tommy Moe's Skiing/Snowboarding - You'll have to leave your console on for a while to beat Freeride mode. Some alternate routes are available but pay careful attention to the map -- you don't want to be sent backwards by taking the wrong path. Every turn slows you down, so go straight as much as possible, especially in later levels where the checkpoints are very close together. When the hills start flailing you up and down it's often best to stay put and slow down. Learn what the color changes at the top of the screen mean. Memorization is everything. Mercifully, the last course is easier than the next-to-last one. ]]>
SNES Strategies 2018-02-21T12:18:51 -05.00 Brock Landers 71
Thank you ]]>
SNES Strategies 2018-02-21T09:47:05 -05.00 Brock Landers 71 Stunt Race FX - You don't have to clear the Novice course, but it's good for practice. You can plow through the Expert course easily enough with 4WD, but for the Master Course, it's F-Type or bust. The key to not crashing or splashing with him is to never use boost unless you're on a straight path and you need to get ahead of another car or something like that. It's ok to let off the gas to get around those tight corners, and definitely watch your speed in those half pipes on Night Harbor. You shouldn't ever have to worry about running out of time with F-Type, so just take it slow when you need to and make sure you finish at least third. Also, it's better to go for laps completed in the bonus stage to get extra lives. You're much more likely to crash than to run out of time.

Super Play Action Football - So, this game really isn't that hard once you've mastered one simple technique - jumping. You can press Y to make the player you're controlling jump and either swat the ball down or intercept it. You win by dominating on defense. Just stay in either man to man or zone and wait for the AI to throw the ball (which they do a lot.) Watch that grid on the left of the screen and pay attention to where the ball is going. Quickly press L or R and it will switch you to the player nearest the ball. Use the grid to position yourself in front of the player and when the ball gets there, face it and jump and you will intercept it every time. If your back is turned, you'll just knock it down. You can also usually score some easy sacks by controlling a DE or LB, especially when the AI leaves its right side open. Sprint to the QB and dive at him. You'll want to do this anyway if they're running the ball, but your AI will usually stop them. If you can get the AI to punt, it should always result in a TD or safety for you. Pick punt block and you will almost always have a guy get in the backfield. Switch to him and run towards the punter, then jump as he is kicking. It doesn't look like you'll block, but you will. One of your hundred guys in the backfield will pick up the ball automatically and there will be no one between you and the endzone.

As for offense, it honestly kind of sucks and there's no fun way of going about it. The easiest thing to do is pick a team that has a run-oriented offense such as Dallas or Detroit and just run sweeps, off tackles, and options. This has the added benefit of killing the clock. If you want to pass, use the same technique that you use to get interceptions. Keep Hail Mary set to one of your audibles as the AI sometimes comes out in goal line defense for no reason. If they do, and you run Hail Mary, you'll have a guy wide open for an easy TD. Also, Punt Fake Pass works quite well in a pinch. You'll nearly always have an open receiver on the left side and you'll have forever to throw the ball. Try not to rely on it too much, as the AI seems to get hip to it after a while. One other thing that helps a lot and is the only thing about offense that's fun - the stiff arm, which is the most OP stiff arm in football video game history. Press X to execute it. A well timed stiff arm knocks any defender six ways from Sunday. It takes some practice to get said timing down, but once you do, you can theoretically take the slowest player in the game 100 yards for a touchdown. 

Lastly, the teams you face in the playoffs all take steroids and move super effin fast. The same techniques work, but you have very little room for error. Whoever you play in the Super Bowl will have a team full of insanely fast robots. Don't punt, don't kick field goals, and try your damndest to kick deep on kickoffs. Your punts and FGs will always get blocked, and if the return man comes out of the endzone, he will almost surely return it for a TD. Keeping the kickoff in the center of the field helps with this.

That's about all there is to it. You win with defense, so it doesn't really matter who you pick, as the defensive playbooks are all the same. The Redskins are the best team in my experience, though. Your playbook matters more than your players, so experiment and find a style you can tolerate. Have fun playing one of the worst football games ever made! ]]>
SNES Strategies 2018-01-13T20:25:03 -05.00 Brock Landers 71 SNES Strategies 2018-01-13T20:06:35 -05.00 Brock Landers 71 I am so sorry for you. It is one of the worst games on the SNES by far.
But yeah, that path gets you out of the Haunted House. ]]>
SNES Strategies 2018-01-13T20:01:16 -05.00 Brock Landers 71 Bebe's Kids.

Go through first set of double doors
Go through left door
Reenter the door you came from
Go down the hallway to the left and enter the book case FROM THE RIGHT
Go through the LEFT side of the same book case
Go to the right in the hall and enter the first door
Go the the right and enter the book case FROM THE LEFT
Go to the right and enter the first door
Go to the left in the hall and enter the book case FROM THE LEFT
Go through the LEFT side of the same book case
Go down the hallway to the right and enter the second door
Exit through the left

Additional tips:
During the beat-em-up sections you don't have to beat all enemies.  Move to the right until the screen stops scrolling, then usually beat one or two more enemies and keep moving right.  When you see a door (or a hole) walk through.  It's nearly impossible to beat all enemies and exit the stages.
ALWAYS UPPERCUT (L + punch).  Enemies will go down in 3-5 hits if you uppercut but last forever with standard attacks.
On the china/glass section, you have to jump and attack to break all the things that the baby drops.  If the stepdad(boyfriend, whatever, never watched it) catches ANY items the number will go back up by one.
When you get to the basement level, keep moving to the right.  Look for holes in the floor or ceiling and that is your way out.  Don't get stuck thinking you have to make the screen scroll.
The final boss can ONLY be hurt while doing a jumping attack.
The greatest tip of all, don't fucking play it. ]]>
SNES Strategies 2017-11-07T06:18:53 -05.00 Brock Landers 71 Super Conflict
  • Retreat from 95% of all battles initiated by the computer. Once in a while, the computer will pick a bad fight (city vs. SAM, factory vs. light tank), so attack then. In short: never choose defend, either retreat or attack when the computer picks a fight and you will avoid taking tons of unnecessary damage.
  • Stage 1 is easy as long as you attack when the terrain is to your advantage. So, I'll discuss the air and sea elements in detail here to get you through the rest of the game.
  • The AI loves to attack factories and cities; let it waste its time doing that. It rarely will actually take out a factory if you constantly retreat, and you don't need additional output from the factories anyway. Commando, M-60, M-1 Abrams, and Apache helicopters are the only good choices for production.
Sea Tactics
  • Send your submarine and battleship straight for the enemy carrier, if there is one. If you can't destroy it quickly, at least try to harass it as far away from the battle as possible. If the carrier is out of commission, enemy planes have one fewer place to refuel.
  • If there's no carrier, the destroyer and cruiser are easy targets. Ignore the flag ship in stage 5 and go for the win by capturing the flag tank instead.
  • Don't bother attacking land targets as it's rarely effective, unless your battleship can take a few potshots at the enemy's flag tank once the carrier has been disposed of.
  • Sequester your other ships as far away from the battle as possible and just make sure they don't get attacked.
Air Tactics
  • Your general plan is to put your bombers and choppers in an airport hangar until the third turn, when all the enemy planes have to refuel. When that happens, you can unleash their fearsome power and crap heavy ammunition down the enemy flag tanks and heavy tanks' throats.
  • To accomplish this, move any heavy planes from the carrier to your "home" airport on the first turn. Put the lighter Tomcats, Eagles, and Hornets out as bait to distract the computer's air and sea forces. It doesn't matter if they are shot down as long as they occupy the enemy's firepower for a few turns.
  • Locate the enemy flag tank and move all your heavy planes into the closest airport on the second or third turn. Then wait for the third computer turn when all the planes leave for refueling. Take out your bombers and Apaches and any large tanks nearby, and rain hell down on the flag tank for a turn or two to win the scenario.
Ground Tactics
  • Surface to air missiles are only useful against enemy helicopters, and only when you have good terrain. Otherwise, just keep them out of harm's way.
  • Your primary objective is to secure all airports on the third or fourth turn. This will either leave the computer with nowhere to land (third turn) or you get to destroy them all when you take over the last airport (fourth turn). Either way is quite satisfying. The computer AI is really bad at securing its airports and will instead attack a nearby factory, so it's easier than it sounds.
  • Other than that, just use the terrain and cities to your advantage, and try to avoid getting so many tanks destroyed that you can't secure airports and hang on to your overall position. If you're retreating all the time, it's not that difficult to hold out for a few turns with minimal losses.
SNES Strategies 2017-09-30T22:43:09 -05.00 Brock Landers 71
The game saves after every shot taken. Resetting your console before the ball comes to a complete rest and then selecting continue on the main menu will let you retake your intial shot ]]>
SNES Strategies 2017-07-03T13:32:27 -05.00 Brock Landers 71