NintendoAge -Sqooner Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-12T15:10:44 -05.00 Battymo 18 Originally posted by: Dain

Originally posted by: Nintendonut1983

are the boards different in PROTO'S? if so whats the diff?


Actually, I'm not 100% sure -- I just figured they would be. I'm sure someone here would know the answer to that. BootGod?


I don't have any proto's myself, but generally prototypes for all licensed carts will have a different PCB from the release version, as EPROM's have different pinouts than the mask ROMs used in release versions.

If this EB0 cart is legit (which I doubt it is), it would have a board very similar to the one jajaja posted. The only way to make a fake that could pass for real, would be to find a proto from a different game that also uses this board and replace/re-flash the EPROM's. ]]>
Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-10T20:32:55 -05.00 Battymo 18 ]]> Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-10T20:30:07 -05.00 Battymo 18 ~~NGD ]]> Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-10T20:21:59 -05.00 Battymo 18
Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-10T17:43:53 -05.00 Battymo 18 Originally posted by: Nintendonut1983
are the boards different in PROTO'S? if so whats the diff?


Actually, I'm not 100% sure -- I just figured they would be. I'm sure someone here would know the answer to that. BootGod?

-Dain ]]>
Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-10T17:43:00 -05.00 Battymo 18
-Dain ]]>
Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-10T15:20:31 -05.00 Battymo 18 Originally posted by: Dain

It's a reproduction, and the seller should be ashamed of himself. He's trying to scam the would-be buyer. The "garage sale" thing is total bullshit. If you want proof, ask the seller to take a picture of the inside of the cart (the PCB board). I bet you don't get a reply


are the boards different in PROTO'S? if so whats the diff?

Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-10T12:36:20 -05.00 Battymo 18 Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-10T08:04:06 -05.00 Battymo 18 The back of the cartridge has the gold version of the caution and nintendo patent sticker. The game Earthbound Zero was never really released in the usa excepf for just a few copies that escaped before canceling the game.

lol, this is enough info to know hes talking bullshit. The real protos of Earthbound (2 is in hand of collectors, im sure alot more excist in the hands of NOA/ex-NOA employees) dont have that battery warning on the back and the way he writes it its like retail copies were made, but canceled before getting out to the stores. Just avoid it =) ]]>
Earthbound Zero - This Legit? 2006-11-09T20:04:39 -05.00 Battymo 18 Originally posted by: Battymo

I've still got no response from him! Me thinks he's a fraud and he knows it!

Bingo ]]>