NintendoAge -Sqooner Bomberman 93 with manual 2019-01-14T22:56:01 -05.00 ASAP_Zonk 7 Bomberman 93 with manual 2019-01-14T20:32:22 -05.00 ASAP_Zonk 7   My genuine HuCard/TurboChip collection is super lite:
Keith Courage that came with the TG16
Falcon that came with the TurboExpress
Blazing Lazers that I bought from one of you guys on NintendoAge

No Bonk, no imports, just those and a Turbo Everdrive... for now. ]]>
Bomberman 93 with manual 2019-01-14T19:14:42 -05.00 ASAP_Zonk 7 Bomberman 93 with manual 2019-01-14T13:34:26 -05.00 ASAP_Zonk 7
When you say that the back of the Express was missing, are you talking about the battery cover or the back half of the housing?

I have the PC version of Bomberman '93 (part of Bomberman Collection), but I doubt my friends are going to gather 'round the ol' PC to play it. I ordered some of those "Old Skool" brand TurboGrafx-16 replica controllers so we can finally play properly on the TG16 multitap. Of course, we'll have to use the Turbo Everdrive! ]]>
Bomberman 93 with manual 2019-01-13T23:54:59 -05.00 ASAP_Zonk 7 Bomberman 93 with manual 2019-01-12T21:43:48 -05.00 ASAP_Zonk 7 Bomberman 93 with manual 2019-01-12T20:12:01 -05.00 ASAP_Zonk 7


today at the local flea market I came acorsd this lot along with a turbo express with no back I asked the seller how much he told me $300 the express wouldn't turn on  . I would of paid $150 for it if it worked since it had no back and would need a recap for sure. Anyway I asked if he would separate the manuals he told me $20 then I asked him if he would sell Bomberman 93 separately he told me sure $75... I offered $50 he said $55. And I said okay. I already sold two manuals for $40 since I had everything else already  total. I'm only $35 in and I have a game that I considered a holy grail! I'm at 63-65 turbo games now! (Have to recount lol but I know it's between them) 



PS: he didn't sell the express lol he was mad no one would pay $300..... lol. He took it home with him for eBay this wasn't even a game seller it was a random guy.
