NintendoAge -Sqooner (Belated) Greetings 2015-03-30T21:30:19 -05.00 erizisto 4 (Belated) Greetings 2015-03-30T11:58:28 -05.00 erizisto 4 ]]> (Belated) Greetings 2015-03-30T11:48:54 -05.00 erizisto 4 (Belated) Greetings 2015-03-29T23:06:32 -05.00 erizisto 4
First of all, apologies for never posting here until now.  I suppose it's partly because I just glossed over this area, and partly because I'm not really the most talkative person in the world.  I'll try to come out of my shell a bit, though.

I originally signed up way back in 2013 just to download some attachments from the homebrew and prototype forums.  Afterwards, I didn't ever bother with the account anymore, and just went back to lurking and reading interesting threads from time to time, like I had been doing before.

When I happened across the NES contest threads recently, it seemed like a fun way to experience some games in new ways, or some new games altogether, while being able to share the experience and tips (and friendly competition) with other NES fans.  Being a lifelong video game nerd, that was enough to pull me in and start contributing a little, and I have enjoyed my time playing in the contests so far.

I started on educational games on a TI-99 computer, and enjoy a little of everything (at least up until PS2/Wii era, which is the newest I own).  My true love though has always been NES/Famicom.  Nostalgia goggles?  Maybe.

Thank you for giving me a place to share with like-minded people. ]]>