NintendoAge -Sqooner The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2009-09-17T07:26:05 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T23:40:16 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T10:17:16 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 Originally posted by: burnambill333

Originally posted by: Bronty

Originally posted by: burnambill333

Originally posted by: jaredkk

Originally posted by: burnambill333

AWESOME FIND! This is almost identical to the find that I got a while FFF AW, mint Chubby, mint Sqoon, all mint black box games, all round seal/non punched hang tabs, etc. NICELY DONE!

I was thinking, Nicks score must have been as good, or better. Weren't there way more games in your lot Nick?

The feeling is almost as good as sex. Almost.

Then you're not doing it right nick

Haha. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Teach me?

oohhh noooo

brokeback nintendo

The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T04:39:59 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 Good Point Nick!

Josh I am working on matching up all variants of course with their proper homes (boxes) there are a couple of 5 screw carts I can not confirm hang-tab boxes for. I'm starting to give up on some like Zelda, Arkanoid, Goonies II. There are some I've seen but don't have, and others I've never even heard of existing.

*EDIT* Yay I have officially used my MOD power, to delete Nick's triple post per his request!  YAY I've got mail, YAY!!

The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T04:36:24 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 Originally posted by: Bronty

Originally posted by: burnambill333

Originally posted by: jaredkk

Originally posted by: burnambill333

AWESOME FIND! This is almost identical to the find that I got a while FFF AW, mint Chubby, mint Sqoon, all mint black box games, all round seal/non punched hang tabs, etc. NICELY DONE!

I was thinking, Nicks score must have been as good, or better. Weren't there way more games in your lot Nick?

The feeling is almost as good as sex. Almost.

Then you're not doing it right nick

Haha. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Teach me?
The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T04:33:39 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 Originally posted by: Braveheart69

Originally posted by: srh201

Originally posted by: burnambill333

TO BATTY AND BRAVEHEART - Isn't it pretty much the most amazing feeling to open up that box and see all those minty RARE games all sitting there in the box? For me I was flipping out in my home as I opened the box. The feeling is almost as good as sex. Almost.

nick, i lost a lot of respect for you on that statement there buddy! if it was the set of panesians and there were at least pictures of girls on the games when you opened the box, maybe i wouldnt have lost as much respect, but all i can think of is mario, donkey kong, and popeye staring back at you as you got a chubby looking at your chubby. sad sad sad! haha. but i know who has that fff aw right now! i actually got 2 now.

Seth, I lost a lot of respect for you on that statement there buddy! Only 2?????

Ugh..............after looking at that picture I just want to reiterate the fact that I HATE YOU!!!! *jealous*

Originally posted by: Braveheart69

HAHAHA... exactly I still can't stop staring at them, the back of the top tabs aren't even creased... who buys games, takes the wrap or sticker seal off and then never even opens them to look inside? Better yet who does that and then lets them sit for 20+ years?

I think the better question is WHO CARES? As long as they're in your possession now am I right?

The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T04:05:58 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 Originally posted by: Braveheart69

Seth's right about that! It's a 5-screw cart alright though... everything inside is perfect untouched but the box is non-hang tab silver seal with NO REV A on the box.

I've also heard this is the deal with winter games... that although there is a five screw cart no hangtab exists
The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T01:05:45 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T00:58:17 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 The Batty & Braveheart Heist of the Century! Update Inside! 2008-06-07T00:57:58 -05.00 Braveheart69 121 Originally posted by: qixmaster

wait... is the zelda 5 screw in a hangtab box?

Technically the hangtab zelda should exist, but none thus far have ever been found...