NintendoAge -Sqooner Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-20T16:19:46 -05.00 Flam 33 Originally posted by: teh lurv

Originally posted by: Flam

Originally posted by: teh lurv

I wouldn't worry about CRTs become hard to find in the wild. CRT TVs are probably going to stick around people's homes for at least another twenty years.

See, I don't buy that. I think we will see a rapid decline of available CRT's as most will be hitting the scrap heaps in 5-10 years. There is no use for them except retro gaming and the "Greatest Generation" is phasing out pretty quickly. My parents are in thier mid-60's and don't own a CRT.

Who knows, maybe in 20 years future-hipsters will lead a resurgance in CRT TV sales?

  Just think, they're $2 to $5 now at thrift stores, and in 20 years online auctions will be nothing but "RARE Toshiba CRT Tube Television 1994 -- Great Shape | Buy It Now $49.99 | Shipping $70.00" ]]>
Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-19T17:04:25 -05.00 Flam 33 Originally posted by: Flam

Originally posted by: teh lurv

I wouldn't worry about CRTs become hard to find in the wild. CRT TVs are probably going to stick around people's homes for at least another twenty years.

See, I don't buy that. I think we will see a rapid decline of available CRT's as most will be hitting the scrap heaps in 5-10 years. There is no use for them except retro gaming and the "Greatest Generation" is phasing out pretty quickly. My parents are in thier mid-60's and don't own a CRT.
I think you're underestimating the pervasiveness of CRT TVs. There are plenty of CRT TVs out there with a digital tuner or cable box serving as either the primary or secondary TV. Maybe 10-20 years from now finding a 32"+ CRT TV will be tough since those are the ones more likely to be replaced with HDTVs first, but I think you shouldn't have too much trouble finding 13-20" CRT sets. There isn't as big of a compelling reason to replace the 13" TV set in the guest room or kitchen.

Who knows, maybe in 20 years future-hipsters will lead a resurgance in CRT TV sales?

Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-19T16:39:33 -05.00 Flam 33 Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-19T15:27:51 -05.00 Flam 33 Originally posted by: teh lurv

I wouldn't worry about CRTs become hard to find in the wild. CRT TVs are probably going to stick around people's homes for at least another twenty years.

See, I don't buy that. I think we will see a rapid decline of available CRT's as most will be hitting the scrap heaps in 5-10 years. There is no use for them except retro gaming and the "Greatest Generation" is phasing out pretty quickly. My parents are in thier mid-60's and don't own a CRT. ]]>
Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-18T22:45:46 -05.00 Flam 33
I wouldn't worry about CRTs become hard to find in the wild. CRT TVs are probably going to stick around people's homes for at least another twenty years. ]]>
Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-18T22:37:07 -05.00 Flam 33 Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-18T22:27:17 -05.00 Flam 33 Originally posted by: gunpei

Originally posted by: Flam

Should I just keep hoarding CRT's?

I collect CRTs for originally non-gaming reasons but...why? I'm not up on the latest but don't LCDs still have antenna connections? Can one not play on channel 3 on new flat TV or is there a lag thing? And is composite getting phased out? I actually bought a flat screen LCD television at a flea market in a moment of weakness for $50 just because it had the old coax connector as well as composite, component, s-video, and vga. So they do exist. Lag is still going to be an issue though.
Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-18T21:12:47 -05.00 Flam 33 Originally posted by: Flam

Should I just keep hoarding CRT's?

I collect CRTs for originally non-gaming reasons but...why? I'm not up on the latest but don't LCDs still have antenna connections? Can one not play on channel 3 on new flat TV or is there a lag thing? And is composite getting phased out? ]]>
Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-18T15:01:32 -05.00 Flam 33 Originally posted by: Tulpa

Yeah, who would have thought a game made for a two inch screen would look like ass blown up to 50+ inches. Lol!

"Ma! I can see the pixels!"
Is there a Retron 6 coming out in the next couple of years? 2015-03-18T13:48:17 -05.00 Flam 33 Originally posted by: Tulpa

Yeah, who would have thought a game made for a two inch screen would look like ass blown up to 50+ inches.
Well, but GB and GBC games look fantastic on it. Plus, all of the consoles it supports have siginficantly smaller resoltions than HD. 