NintendoAge -Sqooner Zelda Spirit Tracks - NFR 2011-06-07T19:12:39 -05.00 Muthafodder 4
Maybe they were recovered from demo units, Seller is located in North Carolina.

If these are legit, they are indeed rare, I've looked since release and this is the first I've noticed them popping up.

$60 a pop is still a good deal imo.

Now I just need the Phantom Hourglass NFR cart and that will complete my NFR collection.

This guy is lucky to have "found" such treasure. ]]>
Zelda Spirit Tracks - NFR 2011-06-07T19:04:50 -05.00 Muthafodder 4 ~~NGD ]]> Zelda Spirit Tracks - NFR 2011-06-07T19:00:30 -05.00 Muthafodder 4 Zelda Spirit Tracks - NFR 2011-06-07T17:48:54 -05.00 Muthafodder 4
The Seller has re-listed 10 $60.  I'm beginning to wonder how someone could have amassed 17+ of these.  Are you guys aware of any sites that are providing scans of the images of NFR DS carts so that you can make your own?  I'm afraid this may be the issue, and would be disgusted at the thought.  I've ordered two and would expect the backside #s to be different.  I'd also like to thoroughly compare those I ordered with someone who has previously determined theirs to be valid.

What do you guys think?
Is this guy mass producing these?
