NintendoAge -Sqooner Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-12-14T11:46:51 -05.00 Limbofunk 448

I haven't had a chance to check this one out too thoroughly, but it has press releases for a wide variety of games for the N64 and GameBoy.  Pokemon, Majora's Mask, Dinosaur Planet, DK 64, Perfect Dark and Conkers are a few of the titles represented.  The strangest thing I've noticed so far is that the press release for Conkers is actually a draft that says it was pending aproval from Nintendo before being released.  I'm not sure if that was just a goof on their part or was actually meant to be done like that...I'm assuming it was a goof by the way it reads. ]]>
Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-08-14T06:36:40 -05.00 Limbofunk 448 Originally posted by: Limbofunk

148: Dr. Mario, the Tootin' Animation

This is one of the best drawings I've had the pleasure of coming across.  From the information I was given, this is a concept drawing for the Dr. Mario commercial for the NES.  Unless I missed something, it never made it to the final run, but every time I look at it I can just imagine Nintendo executives sending letterhead to the production company stating 'Please cease and decist all attempts to have our company mascot run around with a deranged grin on his face while holding onto his posterior as poofs of toots escape from aformentioned posterior.'  I am scared to think of what lethal formula x-17 is composed of, but it doesn't look like it makes Mario very happy as it makes him sweat purple.  It came with a Certificate of Authenticity as well, but that's just from the gallery that was selling the piece.  I will need to frame this sometime in the near future.
Very cool piece! ]]>
Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-08-05T22:05:12 -05.00 Limbofunk 448 Originally posted by: acidjaguar

There weren't any dividers in it at all. It was just a blank binder. Came with a Sourcebook binder that had stuff in it, but nothing in this one.
You know, that could be it.  I never paid much attention to sourcebooks, but the earliest one I remember seeing being physically called a 'Sourcebook' is 91 or 92.
Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-08-03T17:17:14 -05.00 Limbofunk 448 Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-08-03T16:58:14 -05.00 Limbofunk 448 Originally posted by: acidjaguar
Originally posted by: Limbofunk

146: Original Nintendo Merchandising Manual


This is the first (as far as I've seen) iteration of Nintendo's store merchandising manual.  Nintendo reps would leave these at local retail stores and fill them with various information such as system specs and information, newsletters, game stats and info, contact numbers, order forms and more in order to give store employees information to better handle and sell Nintendo brand products to customers.  They still have the program going to this day at all of their major accounts.  

I have this binder that I've been wondering a little about myself. I feel it may be in line with what you've got here but maybe not. It doesn't have the NMI on the top, and is copyrighted 1990. Haven't found out much on it yet, but the one you have really reminded me of it.  What are your thoughts on this one?  Same idea?  It was empty when I received it unfortunately, so it didn't have any order forms or catalogs in it. 

Does it have any dividers in it?  I'd kind of think maybe an event like E3, I know some of the binders I have use similar graphics, but some were for internal purposes and some were for the public.  Most of the CES ones were in flimsy binders though, not the hard ones like this. ]]>
Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-08-03T16:05:13 -05.00 Limbofunk 448 Originally posted by: Limbofunk

146: Original Nintendo Merchandising Manual


This is the first (as far as I've seen) iteration of Nintendo's store merchandising manual.  Nintendo reps would leave these at local retail stores and fill them with various information such as system specs and information, newsletters, game stats and info, contact numbers, order forms and more in order to give store employees information to better handle and sell Nintendo brand products to customers.  They still have the program going to this day at all of their major accounts.  

I have this binder that I've been wondering a little about myself. I feel it may be in line with what you've got here but maybe not. It doesn't have the NMI on the top, and is copyrighted 1990. Haven't found out much on it yet, but the one you have really reminded me of it.  What are your thoughts on this one?  Same idea?  It was empty when I received it unfortunately, so it didn't have any order forms or catalogs in it.  ]]>
Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-08-03T15:44:05 -05.00 Limbofunk 448

This is one of the best drawings I've had the pleasure of coming across.  From the information I was given, this is a concept drawing for the Dr. Mario commercial for the NES.  Unless I missed something, it never made it to the final run, but every time I look at it I can just imagine Nintendo executives sending letterhead to the production company stating 'Please cease and decist all attempts to have our company mascot run around with a deranged grin on his face while holding onto his posterior as poofs of toots escape from aformentioned posterior.'  I am scared to think of what lethal formula x-17 is composed of, but it doesn't look like it makes Mario very happy as it makes him sweat purple.  It came with a Certificate of Authenticity as well, but that's just from the gallery that was selling the piece.  I will need to frame this sometime in the near future. ]]>
Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-07-29T17:07:21 -05.00 Limbofunk 448

I'm assuming this is what's used to actual put the game onto the prototype cartridges, but I'm not too familiar with how dev items work.  This one seems harder to come across than the IS-Capture and -emulator systems, but doesn't look as fancy. ]]>
Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-06-16T17:48:20 -05.00 Limbofunk 448

This is the first (as far as I've seen) iteration of Nintendo's store merchandising manual.  Nintendo reps would leave these at local retail stores and fill them with various information such as system specs and information, newsletters, game stats and info, contact numbers, order forms and more in order to give store employees information to better handle and sell Nintendo brand products to customers.  They still have the program going to this day at all of their major accounts.  

Limbofunk's Random Bits O' Collecting 2015-06-10T22:21:20 -05.00 Limbofunk 448

The coolest thing in this binder is the 'Lights On, Lights Out' presentation that shows tons of pictures of Retail Store setups and displays from 1997 (Mainly N64 and GBC).  There are a number of displays I have seen before, but there are a decent amount I've never seen anywhere else before.  There's few other sections as well regarding NMI practices, the top vendors of the time and random updates to policies. ]]>