NintendoAge -Sqooner The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-05-06T17:59:18 -05.00 19rsn007 10 The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-05-06T16:16:37 -05.00 19rsn007 10
tested!!! working!!

The 2 wires on the MMC3 chip are there to restore some damaged connections ]]>
The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-04-27T11:54:02 -05.00 19rsn007 10 When you release a patch, i will try it on a PAL NES. ]]> The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-04-26T19:24:43 -05.00 19rsn007 10 Originally posted by: Hubz

Awesome stuff, are you releasing a patch?
not yet.

I wanna make sure the thing is running on real hardware and make sure the rom is fully functional !!
The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-04-26T17:40:16 -05.00 19rsn007 10 The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-04-26T11:34:30 -05.00 19rsn007 10
here's another vid of the thing running on one of the best NES emu's, nintendulator
This time I even recorded the audio ]]>
The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-04-26T11:04:20 -05.00 19rsn007 10 The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-04-26T09:39:18 -05.00 19rsn007 10
The CHR data was all over the place and ripping that out was a pain in the but.
the PRG rom had some pointers which needed "repointing"

The registers for the weird mapper were a bit different, so I had to fix them.

A good thing about the mapper it was running, was that it was an MMC3 clone, so porting it to MMC3 was gonna work out just fine ]]>
The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-04-26T09:32:44 -05.00 19rsn007 10 The Hummer - Fully ported to MMC3 2015-04-26T09:22:09 -05.00 19rsn007 10
I don't know if you guys know about the somari hack called THE HUMMER.
It was released on the very rare Super New Year Cart 15-in-1 from Hummer Team, which runs a weird mapper (mapper 45)
This mapper is an MMC3 clone, but with some weird cards up it's sleeve.

It was also released on some plug and play NOAC based consoles, but every level had a menu entry as a separate game.

A few hours (and notes) of work later, I managed to extract the game from the 15-in-1 cart, and make it run on a standard mapper 4 (MMC3)

Look at the youtube video below: ]]>