NintendoAge -Sqooner California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T18:13:27 -05.00 350f 12 California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T17:51:43 -05.00 350f 12
Here is what was written back to me "The previous owner bought these from a Nintendo Employee...that is all we know...period!"

So he takes my statement...just assumes that even if he is wrong that he will still list it that way...tis sad really.

California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T15:25:33 -05.00 350f 12 ]]> California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T14:46:26 -05.00 350f 12 Originally posted by: Dr. Morbis

Both of those repros were available at CGE for $25 each, so I'm guessing that that's where he got them. NoA employee in the 80's... hahaha!

If its the same guy that was local to me, (which im almost sure it is) then he told my friend he just got them online from a repro site lol.

California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T13:39:04 -05.00 350f 12 California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T12:53:34 -05.00 350f 12 California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T12:39:22 -05.00 350f 12 California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T12:03:40 -05.00 350f 12 They look like leonk's repro carts.  Plus, I don't think California Raisens was started until the early 90s.

California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T12:00:11 -05.00 350f 12 Originally posted by: xtremegamer

In the question section, seller claim he bought Hotman and California Raisins from a NIntendo employee in the mid 80s.

I just saw that. I'm calling BS though. That auction would be going for 100s more. ]]>
California Raisins and Hotman 2007-08-31T11:55:23 -05.00 350f 12