NintendoAge -Sqooner Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-20T14:22:41 -05.00 hadoken 23 Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-19T20:57:42 -05.00 hadoken 23 Originally posted by: qixmaster

com'n guys, you are both retarded.
Now say very very fast.
Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-19T18:15:48 -05.00 hadoken 23 Originally posted by: nesguy

Oh, and it's not retarded (and it kinda gets my hackles up when someone calls something I've said retarded, even through the anonimity of the internet, so please don't do that).

That right there is retarded.
Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-19T17:21:47 -05.00 hadoken 23 Originally posted by: the tall guy

Originally posted by: i2a2n2

my 2 cents on the topic you two are talking about is
Unreleased prototype = a game like Earthbound for the NES, Exerion 2 for the NES where the game wasn't publicly released for financial gain by the company that developed it or sold by nintendo or whatever company during the lifetime of the system in question, but has since become publicly. available on the internet.

Undumped Unreleased Game= could either be a few things a game that isn't released for the system in question but might also not have any known prototype of it in any collectors hands eg Bio Force Ape for the NES, Sim City for the NES etc etc. Or at least to me a game like Socks the Cat for the SNES where their is a prototype of it known to exist but the game isn't available to anyone outside of the one person who owns the known prototype.

it is a grey area I agree but if I'm looking to buy an undumped unreleased proto I would try to be dddddaaaaaaaaammmnnn well sure that it wasn't available anywhere on the internet before opening my wallet.If that means asking the seller if they have dumped the game at all and given it to anyone then so be it, comes with the territory I guess...?

Socks the cat for the SNES?  Is there any more info about this?

Can't help but be intrigued.

Socks the Cat Rocks the hill only known prototype is owned by someone who has posted already in this thread. not me unfortunately....

 *paging a Mr Jason Wilson*

Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-19T02:14:08 -05.00 hadoken 23 Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-19T02:04:25 -05.00 hadoken 23 Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-19T01:16:56 -05.00 hadoken 23 Originally posted by: i2a2n2

my 2 cents on the topic you two are talking about is
Unreleased prototype = a game like Earthbound for the NES, Exerion 2 for the NES where the game wasn't publicly released for financial gain by the company that developed it or sold by nintendo or whatever company during the lifetime of the system in question, but has since become publicly. available on the internet.

Undumped Unreleased Game= could either be a few things a game that isn't released for the system in question but might also not have any known prototype of it in any collectors hands eg Bio Force Ape for the NES, Sim City for the NES etc etc. Or at least to me a game like Socks the Cat for the SNES where their is a prototype of it known to exist but the game isn't available to anyone outside of the one person who owns the known prototype.

it is a grey area I agree but if I'm looking to buy an undumped unreleased proto I would try to be dddddaaaaaaaaammmnnn well sure that it wasn't available anywhere on the internet before opening my wallet.If that means asking the seller if they have dumped the game at all and given it to anyone then so be it, comes with the territory I guess...?

Socks the cat for the SNES?  Is there any more info about this?

Can't help but be intrigued.

Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-18T23:46:24 -05.00 hadoken 23 Originally posted by: DreamTR

There's only one FF2 proto (real one) and I think TheRedEye knows who has it

Yeah. If anyone wants it and is willing to pay, by all means PM me and I'll talk to the owner. I don't think he wants to "out" himself, and I don't think he's looking to sell either, but I don't mind passing the word along if you've got a really serious offer. Don't try to lowball, we both know what these things are worth.

It's the only one found so far, for what it's worth.
Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-18T22:50:32 -05.00 hadoken 23 Anyone have a FF2 Proto? 2010-03-18T22:47:23 -05.00 hadoken 23