NintendoAge -Sqooner Zelda: Oracle Ages/Seasons + Mega Man Legends Prima guides, Monster Hunter Tri OST 2011-08-25T12:25:02 -05.00 Whambamm 5 mega man legends can be a fairly expensive book.
ive sold several for in very good condition for $30+ shipped and awhile back i had a sealed case of the book and i was getting $45 per copy, brand new.

if anyone wants a brand new and case fresh copy, i still have 7 or 8 ]]>
Zelda: Oracle Ages/Seasons + Mega Man Legends Prima guides, Monster Hunter Tri OST 2011-08-25T03:27:21 -05.00 Whambamm 5
Official Nintendo Power Guide = $20+
Prima Guide = $10 - $15
Brady Games = $10 - $15
Zelda: Oracle Ages/Seasons + Mega Man Legends Prima guides, Monster Hunter Tri OST 2011-08-25T03:01:36 -05.00 Whambamm 5 Zelda: Oracle Ages/Seasons + Mega Man Legends Prima guides, Monster Hunter Tri OST 2011-08-24T23:14:53 -05.00 Whambamm 5 racle of Ages/Seasons Prima guide a little while back for dirt cheap with both the games. I'd like to see how I did on them. ]]> Zelda: Oracle Ages/Seasons + Mega Man Legends Prima guides, Monster Hunter Tri OST 2011-08-24T23:05:57 -05.00 Whambamm 5