NintendoAge -Sqooner The Play On! Podcast show! 2013-04-15T11:52:55 -05.00 GamerOnYourSide 1
Now, I'm not here to just shamelessly plug the show or my reviews (I written 100 individual retro game reviews), I'm here to let you guys know that the Play On! Podcast is here for your community.  It's a show where you can hear other gamers and collectors share their unbiased thoughts and opinions about the gaming lifestyle, yes, not hobby, but lifestyle. 

I am very excited to be a member of NintendoAge and I hope you guys enjoy the show!  Just in case there's any doubters of my gaming cred, here's a picture of my current game setup -

The Play On! Podcast -
Pat's Retro Video Game Reviews - ]]>