NintendoAge -Sqooner Nintendo 64 NFR System Box (Only One Ever?) 2019-05-08T08:42:17 -05.00 Nostalgizoid! 3 Nintendo 64 NFR System Box (Only One Ever?) 2019-05-08T04:15:56 -05.00 Nostalgizoid! 3
Never seen one before, but I'd say that looks like a very good price if this is truly unique, and of course authentic. ]]>
Nintendo 64 NFR System Box (Only One Ever?) 2019-05-07T10:53:19 -05.00 Nostalgizoid! 3
I'm seller of the store display box shown below. It was obtained from the company that designed Nintendo's store displays in the 90s. Has anyone ever seen another one? I'm not sure if this actually went into mass production or was a sample. ]]>