NintendoAge -Sqooner Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-08-19T10:08:18 -05.00 Dain 339 Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-08-18T16:19:12 -05.00 Dain 339 Originally posted by: Mega Mario Man

Originally posted by: KHAN Games

Do you want a hint for the Easter Egg?

I really don't want a hint. The hunt is fun enough. Besides, you have laid quite few broad hints in previous posts.
-KHAN: "The easter egg will use tiles that are used elsewhere, so there won't be any easy way to track it down."

-stardust4ever: "Also, what happens if someone posts a "Let's Play" style vido on youtube and accidentally uncovers the Easter Egg, or unwittingly posts in an internet forum about it"
KHAN: "And if anyone accidentally stumbles on it, which is possible I guess, I'll figure something out."

-KHAN:"There's also an easter egg in the game (not limited edition exclusive!) with instructions on what to do if you find it".
KHAN:"And you'll know when you find the easter egg.  It says "this is the easter egg!" - These quote pretty much says that when you find it, you will know it.

-gnarblast: "do they have something to do with the mini games?"
KHAN Response:"Nothing to do with the mini-games, either."
***EDIT*** NEW INFO FROM KHAN: "When I said that, I was referring to his last two needed achievements.  Not the Easter Egg."

-gnarblast: "care to say if the easter egg is during the normal mode are challenge mode?" 
Kahn Response: "I'm afraid if I give any hint at all, it will give it away."
My Initial Thought: HMMMMMMMMMMMMM.............could be either...or neither???!?!!?!

I want to mention a few silly things that I have tried and failled:
1. On the first level, just held the down button and died until all my lives were gone.
2. Konami Code at the start screen
3. Opened the case to see if there was a hidden message inside that gave a clue (Thinking maybe on the back of the label or something).
4. Just let it sit at the title screen for like 10 - 15 minutes. Got boring really fast and decided to start playing again.
5. Tried various things during the game play such as dying on each vine in a level to see if I would "fall" into the easter egg screen.  (only tried this on a couple of levels, I won't say which levels)

That's all of the investigating I have for now.

Was the easter egg ever discovered? (Outside of someone hacking the source code)

Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-03-06T13:45:02 -05.00 Dain 339 Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-03-05T17:29:32 -05.00 Dain 339 Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-03-03T20:26:38 -05.00 Dain 339 Originally posted by: rdrunner

Originally posted by: KHAN Games

Originally posted by: rdrunner

I played this a lot over the past weekend and finally nailed a deathless run in the main game for the "impossible" achievement.

All I have left now are the "summer" and "t-shirt" achievements. Strange thing on the summer achievement: I actually got this one, saw it marked on my list, but after powering off the game and turning it back on, the checkmark was gone! This has happened twice now. What gives? Has this happened to anyone else?
Yep, someone else reported it already.  Looks like a bug I missed, sorry.


Gotcha.  No worries.  Just making sure I wasn't doing something wrong.

I still don't know how I got that achievement in the first place.
You must have played it a long time that day!  Only in summer would someone have that kinda free time!
Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-03-03T19:57:01 -05.00 Dain 339 Originally posted by: KHAN Games

I'll be happy to send you a PM with all the achievement details, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who doesn't want to know. PM Coming!

Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-03-03T19:55:04 -05.00 Dain 339 Originally posted by: KHAN Games

Originally posted by: rdrunner

I played this a lot over the past weekend and finally nailed a deathless run in the main game for the "impossible" achievement.

All I have left now are the "summer" and "t-shirt" achievements. Strange thing on the summer achievement: I actually got this one, saw it marked on my list, but after powering off the game and turning it back on, the checkmark was gone! This has happened twice now. What gives? Has this happened to anyone else?
Yep, someone else reported it already.  Looks like a bug I missed, sorry.

Gotcha.  No worries.  Just making sure I wasn't doing something wrong.

I still don't know how I got that achievement in the first place.
Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-03-03T18:26:57 -05.00 Dain 339 Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-03-03T16:48:23 -05.00 Dain 339 Originally posted by: KHAN Games

Originally posted by: rdrunner

I played this a lot over the past weekend and finally nailed a deathless run in the main game for the "impossible" achievement.

All I have left now are the "summer" and "t-shirt" achievements. Strange thing on the summer achievement: I actually got this one, saw it marked on my list, but after powering off the game and turning it back on, the checkmark was gone! This has happened twice now. What gives? Has this happened to anyone else?
Yep, someone else reported it already.  Looks like a bug I missed, sorry.

Is there going to be a release on what it takes to get each achievement? I have a couple of achievements I got but have no clue what I did to get them.

Exclusive Homebrew Preview: 'Study Hall' by KHan Studios 2014-03-03T16:39:24 -05.00 Dain 339 Originally posted by: rdrunner

I played this a lot over the past weekend and finally nailed a deathless run in the main game for the "impossible" achievement.

All I have left now are the "summer" and "t-shirt" achievements. Strange thing on the summer achievement: I actually got this one, saw it marked on my list, but after powering off the game and turning it back on, the checkmark was gone! This has happened twice now. What gives? Has this happened to anyone else? Yep, someone else reported it already.  Looks like a bug I missed, sorry.
