NintendoAge -Sqooner TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T19:25:43 -05.00 Zwario 16 Originally posted by: lojack44

I wish I would've purchased X-Men and Simpsons arcade when I had the chance. At least I got MK2, marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2, and Turtles in Time though. Wish there was a way to share the downloads with others who missed out

They removed MK2 years ago in favor of releasing MK arcade Kollection, which was so half assed it was a joke. Glitchy and terrible sound. The standalone MK2 was the closest arcade port ever released IMO

I was just thinking about that the other day - I bought The Simpsons in 2013 on a whim after someone mentioned it was on PSN on an episode of Retronauts (somehow it managed to elude me until then), and it's sad for me to think it isn't available anymore. Shit like that sucks about the new digital era.

But yeah, the GameCube Turtles games were decent enough, and right now they're your easiest way to play the arcade TMNTs so I second any attempt to pick them up. I co-oped the first one most of the way through with my cousin around Christmas in...2003-2004 ish and remember it being decent. ]]>
TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T16:07:30 -05.00 Zwario 16 Originally posted by: Jandrem

The original TMNT Arcade game was released on Xbox Live back in 2006 for 360. I don't know if it's still available, but just throwing out that the perfect port was released for home consoles at one point.

Honestly, games like that, X-Men, D&D Tower of Doom, Castle Crashers, etc are the main reason I keep my 360 hooked up.
This was the best $5 spent. It came out around the time of the animated movie so everyone was getting super hyped about turtles again.  The online mode limited you to 20 credits so it was quite a challenge to actually beat but we did it a couple times.

TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T15:32:24 -05.00 Zwario 16 TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T12:32:49 -05.00 Zwario 16

They removed MK2 years ago in favor of releasing MK arcade Kollection, which was so half assed it was a joke. Glitchy and terrible sound. The standalone MK2 was the closest arcade port ever released IMO ]]>
TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T12:13:29 -05.00 Zwario 16 Originally posted by: Jandrem

The original TMNT Arcade game was released on Xbox Live back in 2006 for 360. I don't know if it's still available, but just throwing out that the perfect port was released for home consoles at one point.

Honestly, games like that, X-Men, D&D Tower of Doom, Castle Crashers, etc are the main reason I keep my 360 hooked up.
TMNT Arcade and Simpsons Arcade were removed from Xbox Live years ago, you can only download them if you already did so while they were on the marketplace. Thankfully I have both but you don't see many people pop up on co-op anymore.

TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T10:00:36 -05.00 Zwario 16 TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T08:56:07 -05.00 Zwario 16 Originally posted by: GameGenie 101

I remember the port that is unlockable in Battle Nexus 2 for PS2 had other major sound issues in addition to losing voice clips.If I remember correctly the port did not have any music .I once had the original arcade TMNT 4 player Jamma board,but I sold it to a buddy of mine who had a SuperGun Jamma board player. Agreed.  Major sound issues.  It does indeed include it in battle nexus 2 but man oh man what a let down when you get there and unlock it only to find it has glitchy sound!

TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T07:53:03 -05.00 Zwario 16 TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T07:03:12 -05.00 Zwario 16
Honestly, games like that, X-Men, D&D Tower of Doom, Castle Crashers, etc are the main reason I keep my 360 hooked up. ]]>
TMNT Arcade 4 player game on a Console!?! 2015-08-26T03:24:44 -05.00 Zwario 16