NintendoAge -Sqooner My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2018-04-03T12:28:30 -05.00 sumb2else 116 only "ROCKMAN" ]]>
My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-14T10:21:20 -05.00 sumb2else 116 Originally posted by: sumb2else

If you're ever looking to unload anything, let me know!

(Plus you already know what i do and don't have)
  I think you have pretty much everything (and more) than what i have Especially on the merchendise side, there you have tons of stuff. I hardly have any merchendise in comparison. If i have something that you dont have, i probably have just one copy of it (meaning that i cant sell it at this time). But i'll try to keep it in mind if i ever decide to sell my collection.

If you're interested, here is my collection:

This is about 6 years old, so i might have accuired some more stuff since then, but i believe these pictures shows at least about 95% of all that i have. I made this blog on back then since Capcom had a contest about the biggest Mega Man fans, and you could win a Mega Man 9 press kit. Unforunately i didnt win, but i have a accuired a Mega Man 9 press kit since then (i think i bought it from someone on Ebay if i remember correctly). ]]>
My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-14T09:12:31 -05.00 sumb2else 116 Originally posted by: jajaja

That is an amazing collection indeed! A lot of games as well as a lot of merchandise.

I used to collect Mega Man/Rockman games mysekf. I still have all games and items, but i say "used to" because i havnt searched for any Mega Man/Rockman related stuff in a few years now.
If you're ever looking to unload anything, let me know!

(Plus you already know what i do and don't have)

My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-13T19:02:47 -05.00 sumb2else 116 A lot of games as well as a lot of merchandise.

I used to collect Mega Man/Rockman games mysekf. I still have all games and items, but i say "used to" because i havnt searched for any Mega Man/Rockman related stuff in a few years now. ]]>
My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-13T10:15:47 -05.00 sumb2else 116 Yeah, i did it with just my phone. The trick is to get the backlighting right, i used a lightbox at my office. I'll send you a PM with more of the details. ]]> My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-12T22:26:49 -05.00 sumb2else 116 ]]> My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-12T22:26:20 -05.00 sumb2else 116 My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-12T10:32:50 -05.00 sumb2else 116 Originally posted by: Thunderblaze16

Holy hell, were did you get a high quality image of that MMX3 ad!? I had no idea there was a full artwork image of it with with the magazine text. This would make a great poster.

So i couldn't get the scanner here working, but i was able to take a better picture with my phone of just that slide.  It's not high res enough to print out on a plotter or something, but at 8.5x11 or even 11x17 it should look great

It's 4.2 megs so i'm linking to it rather than embedding it!

My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-09T12:34:33 -05.00 sumb2else 116 My (Never Quite) Complete Mega Man Collection 2014-05-09T11:26:19 -05.00 sumb2else 116