NintendoAge -Sqooner NES Enthusiast / Collector making Custom NES, SNES, and N64 Arcade Cabinets for himself 2012-04-30T14:29:48 -05.00 flamdrag 8 NES Enthusiast / Collector making Custom NES, SNES, and N64 Arcade Cabinets for himself 2012-04-28T09:48:46 -05.00 flamdrag 8 NES Enthusiast / Collector making Custom NES, SNES, and N64 Arcade Cabinets for himself 2012-04-28T08:00:59 -05.00 flamdrag 8 NES Enthusiast / Collector making Custom NES, SNES, and N64 Arcade Cabinets for himself 2012-04-28T00:41:35 -05.00 flamdrag 8 NES Enthusiast / Collector making Custom NES, SNES, and N64 Arcade Cabinets for himself 2012-04-28T00:37:40 -05.00 flamdrag 8 NES Enthusiast / Collector making Custom NES, SNES, and N64 Arcade Cabinets for himself 2012-04-28T00:36:54 -05.00 flamdrag 8 NES Enthusiast / Collector making Custom NES, SNES, and N64 Arcade Cabinets for himself 2012-04-27T16:57:21 -05.00 flamdrag 8 NES Enthusiast / Collector making Custom NES, SNES, and N64 Arcade Cabinets for himself 2012-04-27T15:20:45 -05.00 flamdrag 8 I am a Cartridge Nintendo Enthusiast.
NES, SNES, and N64 are my bread and butter.
Handheld games are great but it's those three console systems for me.

My family didn't have a lot of money growing up, but they did splurge one year with an NES. 
The NES stayed with me, well played, until my teenage years.
That's when I got a Super Nintendo.

I never gave up on my NES though. I used the Super Nintendo as an "extension" of my NES. I played both consoles until High School (1995).

I never did get a Nintendo 64, but most all my friends had it.
It was that time when Goldeneye, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Star Fox, Mario 64, Madden 64, and more took over.

Anyway... I have a point here.

While growing up, I had this great idea (which I'm sure most have had) of building an Arcade Cabinet for my console systems.

Now that I have kids old enough to play the NES (Duck Hunt is the household favorite at the moment) I figured "Why not?!"

So I'm currently design a cabinet for the NES, one for the SNES, and one for the Nintendo 64.
I know we have all seen the Nintendo Arcade Cabinet featured in a Nintendo Power Magazine, but I wanted to do it a little different.
I will build the cabinet to house the consoles, games, and controllers seamlessly, but without modifying any of the original Nintendo Hardware. (Except for custom paint jobs).

I want to be able to have this cabinet that I can sell as a kit. The kit would be the cabinet, with all the wood cut, sanded, drilled, painted, and ready to just slide your console, games, controllers, and TV into the designated slots, without modifying your Nintendo in any way.

My profession is not carpentry. This will be the first major thing I will have built with wood.

My profession is 3D Modeling and Animation. I'm designing the cabinets in my 3D programs and will create blueprints from there.

That means that I will have 3D Renderings of my designs fairly soon that I can show here.

I know this post was EXTREMELY long...  ... but I wanted to introduce myself and what I'm planning to do.

When it comes to all the Super Nintendo Accessories I need for the cabinets, I'm only missing a few, but this isn't the proper thread to ask if anyone has what I need.

So I will end my Novel for now and thank you all for giving the kid inside me a place to let loose. ]]>