NintendoAge -Sqooner "New 2019-09-09T19:58:48 -05.00 Space Jockey 13 Originally posted by: captmorgandrinker
Originally posted by: startyde

I find myself in the opposite situation lately. I go back to my backlog of games from the early 2010's and I'm blown away that they're complete, no annoying carved out DLC, no loot boxes, no always online server dependent functionality.

It's like the last bastion of gaming before it became the plaything of the golddigging corporate world.


I've played some very enjoyable PS3 games lately, and the fact that most of those games aren't trying to nickel and dime you to death is part of the appeal.

I just got Motorstorm Pacific Rift and Need for Speed Hot Pursuit for PS3, and I'm loving them. Fun arcady racers, with great graphics even now.
"New" games you set aside to enjoy later, then later they aren't enjoyable anymore 2019-09-09T18:59:11 -05.00 Space Jockey 13 "New 2019-09-09T16:51:47 -05.00 Space Jockey 13 "New" games you set aside to enjoy later, then later they aren't enjoyable anymore 2019-09-09T16:12:28 -05.00 Space Jockey 13 "New 2019-09-09T14:15:14 -05.00 Space Jockey 13 Originally posted by: captmorgandrinker


I've played some very enjoyable PS3 games lately, and the fact that most of those games aren't trying to nickel and dime you to death is part of the appeal.


What games from the PS3 era have you played recently that you never played before?  I'm curious since the PS3 is probably my second favorite system to buy for (especially now with current prices).   ]]>
"New 2019-09-09T10:39:54 -05.00 Space Jockey 13 Originally posted by: startyde

I find myself in the opposite situation lately. I go back to my backlog of games from the early 2010's and I'm blown away that they're complete, no annoying carved out DLC, no loot boxes, no always online server dependent functionality.

It's like the last bastion of gaming before it became the plaything of the golddigging corporate world.

I've played some very enjoyable PS3 games lately, and the fact that most of those games aren't trying to nickel and dime you to death is part of the appeal.

"New" games you set aside to enjoy later, then later they aren't enjoyable anymore 2019-09-09T10:03:01 -05.00 Space Jockey 13 "New" games you set aside to enjoy later, then later they aren't enjoyable anymore 2019-09-09T09:57:33 -05.00 Space Jockey 13
It's like the last bastion of gaming before it became the plaything of the golddigging corporate world. ]]>
"New" games you set aside to enjoy later, then later they aren't enjoyable anymore 2019-09-09T09:56:36 -05.00 Space Jockey 13 "New" games you set aside to enjoy later, then later they aren't enjoyable anymore 2019-09-09T09:54:18 -05.00 Space Jockey 13
I had the same problem with Alien vs. Predator on the Atari Jaguar. Back when that game was out, it was pretty well know that the Atari Jaguar wasn't a great system, but many people said that it was worth buying just for AvP. When playing it for the first time about 4 or 5 years ago, I got board pretty fast. The level design is pretty repetitive and there isn't that much to do. However, I'm certain that if I played that game when it was knew, I would have enjoyed it. It was a really cool idea at that time and the repetitive level design would have bothered me as much when I was younger. I wish I could have played that game when it was new. ]]>