NintendoAge -Sqooner Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-12T07:50:53 -05.00 attakid101 43 Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-12T02:29:11 -05.00 attakid101 43 Originally posted by: Silent Hill

Traded in all of my N64 stuff to get one on launch day. No regerts.

It has the best launch lineup of all time and amazing support from Capcom.

The controller is terrible though. At the time, it was great but the analog/d-pad is atrocious now. I don't know if I'd say "terrible" exactly...but at the time I did find it really bulky and just plain weird.  Why did they make the controller so gigantic yet made the four face buttons (is that the right term?) so tiny?  And what was up with that weird upside down controller cord?

I mean I know it has had a cult following from the very start and especially since its retirement in 2002(?) but outside of the Sonic Adventures (which are on GC with bonus stuff) I don't really personally see anything that special about it in terms of exclusives, at least nowhere near enough to justify having another whole console (actually two; it wouldn't make sense to have GEN/SMS and DC and then leave a gen cap by not also havig a Saturn) plugged into my 20" CRT (I mean I already have seven consoles hooked up to it for Pete's sakes, plus another three on my 32" HDTV/computer monitor).

If I really did want to add another console to my collection someday, my first choice by far would be a Light Sixer Atari 2600 (with AV mod of course) and a Harmony cartridge.  What can I say?  I'm all about retro/history sorts of things (well not that the DC is not by now retro/history, kinda know what I mean).

Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-12T00:21:55 -05.00 attakid101 43 Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-11T23:50:44 -05.00 attakid101 43
Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-11T15:23:22 -05.00 attakid101 43 Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-11T14:58:13 -05.00 attakid101 43 Originally posted by: Silent Hill

Traded in all of my N64 stuff to get one on launch day. No regerts.

It has the best launch lineup of all time and amazing support from Capcom.

The controller is terrible though. At the time, it was great but the analog/d-pad is atrocious now.
Agreed. I like the arcade stick and the Ascii pad though. I avoid using the standard controller whenever possible.

Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-11T13:14:24 -05.00 attakid101 43
It has the best launch lineup of all time and amazing support from Capcom.

The controller is terrible though. At the time, it was great but the analog/d-pad is atrocious now. ]]>
Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-10T21:25:26 -05.00 attakid101 43 Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-10T11:39:47 -05.00 attakid101 43
Years later I had my own system but mainly bought it for Resident Evil 2/3, and the amazing SNK fighter ports (Last Blade 2, Mark of the Wolves, KoF Dream Match '99).   ]]>
Sega Dreamcast turns 20 today! 2019-09-10T11:06:40 -05.00 attakid101 43
I opted for a PS2 when the time came for me to pick a system, and I don't regret that decision. But Dreamcast had a ton of good things going for it, and was ahead of it's time with the web browser function. ]]>