NintendoAge -Sqooner Who's attempting to develop something? 2008-01-03T20:13:06 -05.00 Sivak 31 Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-23T00:30:49 -05.00 Sivak 31 Originally posted by: bunnyboy

These are just a couple minor arrangement suggestions. I would shift the gem area over to the left so there is a striped border all the way around it. There it looks like the right side is being cut off.

This might cause slight annoyance with reconfiguring the attribute table.  I may, but not for a while.

Originally posted by: bunnyboy
Would also shift the gems down so the black space above top and below bottom is the same.

There can actually be up to 40 gems and that's what the lower row of each color is used for.  It's blank for all of them as there aren't enough on their lines to merit using the lower row.

Originally posted by: bunnyboy
Finally if you are going to have 2 player mode, you will need 2x wins/losses. Overall colors and layout look great. That font is cool, was it a game rip?

Good call on the 2 player mode.  I could probably change the captions.  The font is from the old SSI Gold Box games and I personally made it into a TTF format like 2 years ago.  It can be found below.

Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-23T00:18:13 -05.00 Sivak 31 Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-23T00:06:49 -05.00 Sivak 31
Any likes or criticisms?

I may have this done by next month. ]]>
Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-22T11:03:52 -05.00 Sivak 31 Originally posted by: Zzap

I'm working on a puzzle game where you need to delete chunks of the same colour/patterned tile - the bigger the chunk the more points you get for deleting it.

Kinda reminds me of Yoshi's Cookie from the description.

Originally posted by: dangevin
I thought that's what you were describing Sivak! It's Krang's bonus game 3 from TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan! Way to go I love that little game

Hm, well it's basically my own take on Nim.  The game engine this is inspired from comes from a guy who made 3 versions of it.  His title was "Pearls Before Swine".  Engine 3 was the best one as it had all kinds of combinations.  Links to all 3 below.  Note that I'm not going to have a crazy hispanic guy who laughs when you lose. ]]>
Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-22T04:56:43 -05.00 Sivak 31 Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-22T04:15:39 -05.00 Sivak 31

And Zzap I recognize your game from Megatouches everywhere They all left-justify as you knock them out?

Both awesome picks, very visual. ]]>
Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-22T03:33:23 -05.00 Sivak 31 Originally posted by: Sivak Well, I've got part of the game screen in.  There's an attachment showing what it looks like thus far.

Any opinions?
My comments probably don't make much sense with that layout! I was thinking the gems would be in a random grid, closer to zzaps game. Not saying your way is bad, just that my suggestions aren't useful. ]]>
Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-22T03:14:12 -05.00 Sivak 31
Who's attempting to develop something? 2007-12-22T02:21:14 -05.00 Sivak 31