NintendoAge -Sqooner Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T20:22:12 -05.00 DCG90 12 Originally posted by: DCG90

Originally posted by: kingPiano

Well a simple eBay search shows 2 sealed ones combined selling for $30, another sealed selling for $15, and another sealed selling for $60

I'm a big fan of Windwaker, but in my opinion that random $60 is ridiculous. That generic watch cost like $2 to make in China, the only redeeming quality of this would be the cool package art. Otherwise this would seem like something I'd see hanging in the dollar store.

So IMO $15 sounds about right and it seems to be what others are willing to pay for it sealed as well.

Dont know where you found listings for it, this is all I could find:

simple you type "windwaker watch"

boom there's like 12 complete, 6 sold listings completed ]]>
Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T19:55:31 -05.00 DCG90 12 Originally posted by: th0rpe

I'd give you $35 for it.

Hey thanks for the offer, Ill probably do that.. going to get back to you today or maybe tomorrow about it, thanks. ]]>
Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T19:42:27 -05.00 DCG90 12 Originally posted by: kingPiano

Well a simple eBay search shows 2 sealed ones combined selling for $30, another sealed selling for $15, and another sealed selling for $60

I'm a big fan of Windwaker, but in my opinion that random $60 is ridiculous. That generic watch cost like $2 to make in China, the only redeeming quality of this would be the cool package art. Otherwise this would seem like something I'd see hanging in the dollar store.

So IMO $15 sounds about right and it seems to be what others are willing to pay for it sealed as well.

Dont know where you found listings for it, this is all I could find: ]]>
Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T18:07:03 -05.00 DCG90 12 Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T17:09:17 -05.00 DCG90 12 Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T16:40:38 -05.00 DCG90 12 Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T15:52:26 -05.00 DCG90 12 Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T14:27:28 -05.00 DCG90 12 Originally posted by: D4RK M4R10

Probably an item that is defined by what someone is willing to pay.

If I was a big Zelda fan I can see it go for 50.

Dunno...Zelda fans are weird. Maybe less but Zelda stuff sells like hot cakes. exactly what I said in my head before reading others responses. I'd say 50

Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T14:24:31 -05.00 DCG90 12
I'm a big fan of Windwaker, but in my opinion that random $60 is ridiculous. That generic watch cost like $2 to make in China, the only redeeming quality of this would be the cool package art. Otherwise this would seem like something I'd see hanging in the dollar store.

So IMO $15 sounds about right and it seems to be what others are willing to pay for it sealed as well. ]]>
Zelda Windwaker Sports Watch Sealed 2013-10-26T14:18:52 -05.00 DCG90 12