NintendoAge -Sqooner Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-11T17:08:40 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20 ]]> Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-11T15:53:25 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20 Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-11T15:43:25 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20 Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-11T14:50:54 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20 Originally posted by: SpacemanSpiff

Thanks for the info guys. I'm pretty confident it's the real deal. About a month ago I emailed WisdomTree to inquire about getting some boxes, stickers and whatever else they had. I got an email back from the owner, Brenda Huff with a order list. I ordered one of everything and paid. About 10 min later I got a another message from her saying she found a Bible Buffet Beta cart and I could have it for 20 dollars. Really cool day for me. I don't collect these but I sure appreciate what it represents.

Now I am really jealous. I emailed her about a year ago specifically looking for this kind of thing.  I came up empty. Congrats again. If you got it from her, it is the real deal. You may want to look into any differances. Some of the wisdom tree prototypes are known to have a lot of differances.

Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-05T15:30:06 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20

Wisdom Tree Prototypes

Bubble letters and stock white label

Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-03T22:28:42 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20 Moothead2: Thanks for the link, it does look different. ]]> Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-03T12:04:18 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20 ]]>
Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-03T11:23:51 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20 Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-03T10:03:02 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20 Bible Buffet prototype 2012-06-02T23:51:35 -05.00 SpacemanSpiff 20