NintendoAge -Sqooner 1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2015-06-20T23:01:23 -05.00 Firebrandx 83 Originally posted by: Great Hierophant

You may have screwed yourself over in the first photo because it clearly shows a Mortal Kombat II CD. I can't tell what system its for (PC CD, Sega Saturn, Playstation, Music CD?), but its not for a Nintendo system. NP will have no wolves in its flock! You probably got blacklisted after that so they wouldn't print your second high score either.

Actually it's the original Arcade Soundtrack CD. I was a big fan of the original arcade version, and it had an ad for the CD during the attract mode. I sent in a money order and sure enough, the CD arrived in the mail a month later. Also ordered from NP the OST to Secret of Mana and FFIII, which I still have both to this day, 21 years later.

1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2015-06-20T16:52:11 -05.00 Firebrandx 83 Originally posted by: PekoTAS

Your TV is sitting on the EXACT same TV stand that's still in our living room. O_o
Haha, I got the same TV. If we combined, we could recreate his February 1995 experience ]]>
1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2015-06-20T16:50:05 -05.00 Firebrandx 83 1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2015-06-20T15:19:30 -05.00 Firebrandx 83 1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2015-06-20T14:25:22 -05.00 Firebrandx 83 1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2015-06-20T11:52:09 -05.00 Firebrandx 83
Goofy conspiracy theories aside, if they were really serious about a contest, they should have had players send in a VHS tape hooked up to their SNES. A bit more effort perhaps, but VCRs were pretty much ubiquitous by the early 1990s. Final Fantasy III might have required the 6-hour play mode on the tape, or they could have required the player only to send in the final hour of play. ]]>
1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2014-02-20T23:49:36 -05.00 Firebrandx 83 Originally posted by: grayworld

Nice story...stupid Nintendo Power

You should totally pull a Walter from the Big Lebowski on them!!

I remember when the movie got played on TV, they dubbed his voice to "This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps". I winced in pain and quickly turned it off.

1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2014-02-20T20:39:32 -05.00 Firebrandx 83
You should totally pull a Walter from the Big Lebowski on them!!

1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2014-02-20T18:14:55 -05.00 Firebrandx 83 Originally posted by: Firebrandx

Originally posted by: dra600n

Originally posted by: Firebrandx

At long last, I finally put together a flawless run that uses every known legal (as in no glitching or hacking) shortcut ever documented on the Internet. I've updated the article with the new record at the bottom. As I've noted there, the GBA version is slightly different and ends up being 7 steps shorter due to the difference on how the Mog scenario scenes are navigated. So the perfect record on the SNES version ends up being 5,697, while the GBA version is 5,690. Here's the SNES screenshot:

Wouldn't the SNES be 5,696 instead of 5,697, then making the GBA version 5,589, or is the 7 in the SNES count and the -7 for GBA typo's and were meant to be 6? I only ask because you're 1 step lower than the "perfect run" on the SNES screen shot.
If you'll notice, the OP was edited last year to reflect that correction. I have no idea how you're still able to quote that before the edit.

I didn't quote the OP I quoted I think post 58 or 60 in the thread I saw the edit now in the first post though, my bad!

1995: The Year Nintendo Power Screwed Me 2014-02-20T18:13:04 -05.00 Firebrandx 83 ]]>