NintendoAge -Sqooner does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-03-12T08:01:11 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-03-11T01:05:11 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-03-10T14:24:30 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-03-09T20:24:10 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 Originally posted by: ML

Originally posted by: the_wizard_666

I can't remember who owns it, but essentially it was Super Mario World's early development. They knew it'd be going to the SNES, but they didn't have the hardware to work with at the time. Can't remember specifics of it, kinda curious about it now.


This is just a hack of Armadillo with the main character being replaced with Mario and an hacked title screen. Nothing else. It is the most common Mario pirate.

SMW developpement started on SFC. Many people think the prototype picture that appeared on the internet was from 8bits but it's not.

That Super Mario World pirate has nothing to do with that game. And it wasn't released on a NES cart.

EDIT: about Yoshi, Miyamoto said that they couldn't make Mario goes on Yoshi on the NES hardware so they started a whole new game for the SFC. Pirate did show the reverse but they used some palette tricks and other things that Nintendo R&D possibly didn't have in 1989.

That seems to be a different pirate than what the other dude posted or am I wrong?

Also if it is so common, why can't I find it anywere?  I do have other Pirate carts though

I do agree there is no evidence so far to suggest there was a prototype.  But still I like these pirates.

does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-03-09T16:50:14 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 ]]>
does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-03-09T15:32:39 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-02-27T14:33:59 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 ]]>
does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-02-27T14:09:08 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-02-27T11:32:46 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22 Originally posted by: qixmaster

No, I'm referring to your assumption about the Nintendo and Sega thing... of course Nintendo knew they needed to get the SNES out... but Sega wasn't the driving force for them to put Super Mario World on the SNES. If that is the case, then it also must have meant that Sega was the driving force that put Sim City on the SNES and not the NES. I'm sorry your posts and philosophies on gaming are a little odd at times... Please have some facts to back it up. Posts like yours will and can influence as fact, which is something we don't want when preserving the history of video games.

Also, the whole Mario riding Yoshi in a famicom pirate of Super Mario World has nothing to do with a NES prototype of Super Mario 4. Of course Nintendo knew what they could and couldn't do with their hardware WELL before any such pirate was created.

Quoted for truth.
does anyone have a smb 4 proto 2011-02-27T10:22:30 -05.00 RockPuppetz 22
Also, the whole Mario riding Yoshi in a famicom pirate of Super Mario World has nothing to do with a NES prototype of Super Mario 4. Of course Nintendo knew what they could and couldn't do with their hardware WELL before any such pirate was created. ]]>