NintendoAge -Sqooner More unreleased games 2010-09-02T14:51:54 -05.00 bunnyboy 22 Originally posted by: Maydogg6

Originally posted by: xxtheenslavedxx

It's weird that they would make a sequel to a game on the main system, and not keep it on the handheld that the original was made for.

I don' think it's that strange. Kirby started off on GameBoy before they made Kirby's Adventure for NES.

Same goes for Gargoyle's Quest if I remember correctly.

More unreleased games 2010-09-02T13:03:25 -05.00 bunnyboy 22 Originally posted by: xxtheenslavedxx

It's weird that they would make a sequel to a game on the main system, and not keep it on the handheld that the original was made for.
I don' think it's that strange. Kirby started off on GameBoy before they made Kirby's Adventure for NES.

More unreleased games 2010-08-19T18:22:31 -05.00 bunnyboy 22
Looks like I at some point have replaced the php file for the unreleased section with one that wasn't the right one meaning that roughly half of the titles weren't visible.... that has been fixed now ]]>
More unreleased games 2010-08-11T20:42:40 -05.00 bunnyboy 22 More unreleased games 2010-08-11T18:29:47 -05.00 bunnyboy 22 More unreleased games 2010-08-11T13:47:47 -05.00 bunnyboy 22
I thought Moon Crystal sounded familiar but didn't check repro sites. Shows a USA release was at least planned. ]]>
More unreleased games 2010-08-11T13:13:05 -05.00 bunnyboy 22 Originally posted by: shawnphase

moon crystal is indeed a rare unsung gem that is great. its got great music and because of this my band does a 2 song medley just to try and sing the praises of the game and turn people on to how hot it is. i wish zelda 2 would have been more like moon crystal and less like faxanadu or olympus. its got sort of a steep difficulty curve to it but i think that makes it more fun in the long run, kind of in the same way that gimmick does. i'd love to see someone do a repro of it and i think out of all the games out there it would be a top candidate for releasing it. here's a live cut of our version of it just to show you how killer the music for it is.

As mentioned above, coinhaven does do a repro of Moon Crystal:

As does GameReproductions:

It's been around for a while and is definitely on my want list.

More unreleased games 2010-08-11T07:01:30 -05.00 bunnyboy 22 ]]>
More unreleased games 2010-08-10T07:56:22 -05.00 bunnyboy 22 I don't think I've seen such fluid animation on the NES before. ]]> More unreleased games 2010-08-07T23:19:26 -05.00 bunnyboy 22