NintendoAge -Sqooner funny little calculation 2009-02-24T16:22:06 -05.00 !damage! 22 funny little calculation 2009-02-24T14:25:09 -05.00 !damage! 22 funny little calculation 2009-02-24T14:10:16 -05.00 !damage! 22 funny little calculation 2009-02-24T13:15:37 -05.00 !damage! 22 funny little calculation 2009-02-24T12:31:50 -05.00 !damage! 22 funny little calculation 2009-02-24T12:20:43 -05.00 !damage! 22 Originally posted by: jonebone

Well if I was truly preparing for the worst, I'd be spending all of my spare time building a bomb shelter, hording food / water / supplies, and purchasing hand guns and ammunition.

Hey, have you been watching my house lately or something?  That's exactly what I'm doing in my free time..  but I'm not purchasing hand guns...  Sniper rifles are your friend..  why shoot someone close up when you can get them 1000+ yards away from my watchtower? 

Just kidding everyone... 
funny little calculation 2009-02-24T12:08:35 -05.00 !damage! 22
The only real preparation I'm doing is reading and informing myself with the knowledge to make my own opinion rather than the spoonfed BS the media delivers. I'm still going to be buying a house this year, and I'm still putting money in my 401k. I still have my money in a real bank (ING / BoA) as opposed to Mattress Inc. I'm not THAT pessimistic...

funny little calculation 2009-02-24T11:32:29 -05.00 !damage! 22
But, at this point, it is incredibly ignorant to discount the possibility of the next few years mirroring the original Great Depression. I don't think it's highly likely...but I definitely think it's plausible.

As far as I can tell, the only people who don't think the current situation is a "big deal" are people who are too young in age, or too early in their careers to (a) own a home, or (b) have enough invested to feel the pain of the pullback in the markets over the last year and a half. ]]>
funny little calculation 2009-02-24T11:21:27 -05.00 !damage! 22 funny little calculation 2009-02-24T11:04:09 -05.00 !damage! 22