NintendoAge -Sqooner [homebrew] orange island 2019-07-11T03:44:16 -05.00 tomkennes123 68 [homebrew] orange island 2019-07-11T02:49:05 -05.00 tomkennes123 68 [homebrew] orange island 2019-07-10T19:07:27 -05.00 tomkennes123 68 [homebrew] orange island 2019-07-10T14:44:07 -05.00 tomkennes123 68
The sole reason I didnt back this is because I personally can't stand it when people advertise their work with their sexuality.
What does the developer being gay have anything to do with the quality of the game ?
to me that just says he's not confident enough in his product to have to resort to such statetements as, I quote: "Diverse characters and themes created by a queer developer "

mind you i have 100% nothing against gay people or othervise, everyone does what they do, but I simply dont condone to this sort of thing, without that sentence in the kickstarter, I would have backed it.

As I said though, it's an iffy subject and that's simply my stance on such advertising, so please do not try to start a flamewar over it.
If someone wishes to discuss the matter with me, feel free to send me a PM or something. ]]>
[homebrew] orange island 2019-07-10T14:21:15 -05.00 tomkennes123 68 Originally posted by: Mugi

I suppose.
Though I'm personally more of that sort that needs a kartridge  
what good's a NES game if you dont have it on a kart ? ^^;

Still though, more to choose from never hurts.

This game looks pretty fantastic, but I do have to admit I didn't back this one up, allthough my reason for that was something entirely different than backer tier options. Some of us don’t have room for cartridge storage and would prefer to play on our PowerPaks  

What was your reason for not backing, pray tell?

[homebrew] orange island 2019-07-10T10:58:05 -05.00 tomkennes123 68 Though I'm personally more of that sort that needs a kartridge  
what good's a NES game if you dont have it on a kart ? ^^;

Still though, more to choose from never hurts.

This game looks pretty fantastic, but I do have to admit I didn't back this one up, allthough my reason for that was something entirely different than backer tier options. ]]>
[homebrew] orange island 2019-07-08T16:56:32 -05.00 tomkennes123 68 Originally posted by: WaverBoy

Yep, NES stretch goal reached. Backed at the Navel Orange Islander level because I just want the ROM. Note to future Kickstarter NES devs: yes, there will always be demand for a ROM only reward level.
I think most of us are starting to take notice of that.  
[homebrew] orange island 2019-07-08T12:40:12 -05.00 tomkennes123 68 [homebrew] orange island 2019-07-08T08:23:52 -05.00 tomkennes123 68 [homebrew] orange island 2019-07-08T07:29:57 -05.00 tomkennes123 68