NintendoAge -Sqooner $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-17T09:30:41 -05.00 nesman 14 Though with winter coming, the yard sale season is quickly coming to an end. ]]> $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-14T23:34:45 -05.00 nesman 14 $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-14T11:23:31 -05.00 nesman 14 $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-14T02:52:47 -05.00 nesman 14 $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-14T01:18:14 -05.00 nesman 14 $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-13T23:55:40 -05.00 nesman 14 $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-13T23:47:34 -05.00 nesman 14 $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-13T18:01:31 -05.00 nesman 14
Results: the same gameboy case you have and I paid 25 cents.

I only found games at 3 spots.
1. DS with 2 kids games for $80 price way
2. the gameboy case for 25 cents.
3. One guy had a boxed nes challenge set. Missing mario and the plastic but everything else was there. Smelled like terrible smoke and the console was bright yellow. I offered him $25 tops because I told him I might get the smell out of the box and I might use his nes for parts. He checked ebay on his phone and told me to get lost...said it was worth $250.... i had no luck today....

Anyways, Congratulations! Hope I get this lucky soon. I am on a dry run lately. ]]>
$24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-13T15:23:22 -05.00 nesman 14 $24 Spent on 3 different Yard sales 2012-10-13T13:25:13 -05.00 nesman 14