NintendoAge -Sqooner list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2015-10-11T15:21:57 -05.00 bucky 17 list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2011-02-26T00:38:40 -05.00 bucky 17 Originally posted by: TheRedEye

Originally posted by: jdheins

Surprised No one has mentioned Bio Force Ape, who knows when the rom will be available though. No one quite knows what the owners are planning.

I have no real plan, I'll get around to it when I get around to it.

That's cool, hope you didn't take that like I was bitchen, but I would be your bitch to play that game!

Bio Force Ape is like the holy grail of Protos!  I'm just glad it was found

list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2011-02-26T00:13:34 -05.00 bucky 17 Originally posted by: jdheins

Surprised No one has mentioned Bio Force Ape, who knows when the rom will be available though. No one quite knows what the owners are planning.

I have no real plan, I'll get around to it when I get around to it.
list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2011-02-23T00:03:06 -05.00 bucky 17 list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2011-02-22T12:41:08 -05.00 bucky 17 ]]> list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2010-07-09T07:51:21 -05.00 bucky 17 list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2010-07-07T21:49:02 -05.00 bucky 17 list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2010-07-07T16:55:58 -05.00 bucky 17 Originally posted by: CMR

Has Wild Boys ever been found?

This also might be relevant to our intrests:

Nope. All I have for Wild Boys is the glam rocker box art and one screenshot.
list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2010-07-07T15:53:17 -05.00 bucky 17
This also might be relevant to our intrests:
list of unreleased / prototype NES games? 2010-06-07T01:33:42 -05.00 bucky 17 Originally posted by: SamSpade

Anyone know if Secret Ties is in anyway linked to Golgo 13 and Mafat Conspiracy? I've been meaning to check out Secret Ties for a while, sorry if the question is a bit off topic.

Well the original manga it is based on is called Sugar Thief, if you want to look that up. I don't think they're officially related, but they had the same artist.