NintendoAge -Sqooner 745 NES game lot 2007-01-02T02:06:40 -05.00 Battymo 3 745 NES game lot 2006-12-29T00:19:53 -05.00 Battymo 3
But that lot is missing quite a few pricey unlicensed games too, so that lowers the price in my opinion. Granted, he did mention that most are in collector condition, but that's entirely subjective. It would be a big risk just "guessing" what his interpretation of collector condition is, and I've found out the hard way what some people's ideas are for condition.

-Dain ]]>
745 NES game lot 2006-12-28T21:30:15 -05.00 Battymo 3 Auction

Anyone gunna put in an offer!? ]]>