NintendoAge -Sqooner Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-19T00:07:20 -05.00 pegboy 425 Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T23:38:29 -05.00 pegboy 425 Originally posted by: JosephLeo

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
Nintendo lost their license to use Mike Tyson as a character in their games. Thus meaning it was licensed, but no longer is despite the fact that it's made using official Nintendo hardware, came from Nintendo's factories, and has the Nintendo Seal of Quality.

RBI Baseball, Gauntlet, Pac Man
All Tengen (read: Atari) stuff. This is probably out of spite.

I would have passed it off as another fluke, but seems like Ray hit the nail on the head. This is another Atari title.

Miracle Piano
Most likely a fluke Yeah, Namco released Pacman in 1993, and additionally, it's available on Virtual Console, as is Punchout featuring Mr Dream, which IMO is the same game as MT's Punchout, just like WCTM/Staduim Events are essentially the same game. Did Nintendo include the Namco released Pacman on the list?

Miracle Piano is an edjucational title with no entertainment value (so it could be considered a "non game" just like a modern day "app" can be a non-game.), and I don't know anything about Cyberball. ]]>
Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T21:53:36 -05.00 pegboy 425 Originally posted by: Parpunk

Originally posted by: MicrowavedHamster

Right now, i don't own the game, so it clearly doesn't count towards the set. If I do ever own it, it counts. I plan to bid exactly $6,348.18 on the next auction, so I assume I will own it then, at which point it's a clear necessity for a set.

Pretty simple.

lol nice, i like this analogy.

When i used to own SE "yes it counted", now i dont own SE so "nope dont count towards a complete set its a variant"

i like it. lmao. 

I don't own it.  Never have owned it.  Yet I still count it.  Of course, I like to play Conan, so take it for what it is
Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T21:50:54 -05.00 pegboy 425 Originally posted by: SamSpade

Wasn't SE recalled though?
Stadium Events was not recalled, it was discontinued.  A recall means that they make retailers ship back all copies they still had in stock, which, at least from what I could gather from Gamemaster Howard's statement (can't remember what thread it was in, it was posted a few months back...if someone more adept at searching can find it, be my guest), did not happen.  The logical thing that would've happened would've been that Bandai would've paid to have, say, 50,000 copies made.  A run of, say, 10,000 was produced, and after the initial run, Nintendo bought the rights to the game and discontinued production.  What this means is that the 10,000 copies that were shipped off to retailers were the only copies made, and they would've been on sale for a very short period of time before being sold off.  A recall would've been huge news at the time, so for there to be no documentation of a recall anywhere, that just doesn't make sense to me. ]]>
Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T21:35:13 -05.00 pegboy 425 Originally posted by: MicrowavedHamster

Right now, i don't own the game, so it clearly doesn't count towards the set. If I do ever own it, it counts. I plan to bid exactly $6,348.18 on the next auction, so I assume I will own it then, at which point it's a clear necessity for a set.

Pretty simple.
lol nice, i like this analogy.

When i used to own SE "yes it counted", now i dont own SE so "nope dont count towards a complete set its a variant"

i like it. lmao. 

Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T16:36:07 -05.00 pegboy 425
Pretty simple. ]]>
Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T14:14:25 -05.00 pegboy 425 Originally posted by: buyatari2

Originally posted by: SamSpade

Originally posted by: stardust4ever

Originally posted by: Revel8

IMO if you don't have Stadium Events, you don't have a complete collection.
Or maybe some people just want to play the game, in which case WCTM is an affordable substitute.
Anyone that wants to actually play this game should have their head examined. I think of it as a variant myself but for a competionist, I can see the need to get it for a complete set. It is what it is though, it's the same game with a different title, it really all comes down to personal semantics on the issue.


Two different companies so it can't be considered a varaint.

But I do agree that no one wants to buy this game just to play it. It is only to "complete" a list.
  I'm not saying I disagree with you about SE but who is to say that the "two different companies" thing automatically stops them from being variants?  If you look on the NA list it even says that a "Major Variant" can be something released by 2 different companies.

Here is the exact text, from this very website:

"You are viewing items that contain major variants. Major variants are typically treated as items that have a significant difference from the original release, such as new publisher, new product code, different artwork, etc."

Now you can go about making arguments about which one is the "variant" or if they are both variants of one another, etc. ]]>
Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T14:08:17 -05.00 pegboy 425 Originally posted by: SamSpade

Originally posted by: stardust4ever

Originally posted by: Revel8

IMO if you don't have Stadium Events, you don't have a complete collection.
Or maybe some people just want to play the game, in which case WCTM is an affordable substitute.
Anyone that wants to actually play this game should have their head examined. I think of it as a variant myself but for a competionist, I can see the need to get it for a complete set. It is what it is though, it's the same game with a different title, it really all comes down to personal semantics on the issue.

Two different companies so it can't be considered a varaint.

But I do agree that no one wants to buy this game just to play it. It is only to "complete" a list.

Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T14:05:36 -05.00 pegboy 425 Do you count Stadium Events towards a complete collection? 2013-02-18T13:25:37 -05.00 pegboy 425 Originally posted by: doner24

Originally posted by: SamSpade

Originally posted by: stardust4ever

Originally posted by: Revel8

IMO if you don't have Stadium Events, you don't have a complete collection.
Or maybe some people just want to play the game, in which case WCTM is an affordable substitute.
Anyone that wants to actually play this game should have their head examined. I think of it as a variant myself but for a competionist, I can see the need to get it for a complete set. It is what it is though, it's the same game with a different title, it really all comes down to personal semantics on the issue.

WCTM would be the variant, not SE!!

  Wasn't SE recalled though? I would think that WCTM would be the only legit release for the system at that point. Either way, complete on the nes is a moot point, do we count Cheetahmen 2? What about the Tengen games, Color Dreams, official, unofficial, the porn games? I'm not trying to argue either way on the issue, it's something I have no intent on ever owning. It all boils down to the fact that it's the same game with a different title and I can totally understand a collector wanting to own it for the sake of owning it.
