NintendoAge -Sqooner Help me making a Multi-Cart? 2018-03-03T09:31:03 -05.00 Punti 3 What is your problem with the game? Could you send us a pic of the PCB since I assume the cart is broken and doesn't play ]]> Help me making a Multi-Cart? 2018-03-03T09:25:45 -05.00 Punti 3 Help me making a Multi-Cart? 2018-03-03T04:12:57 -05.00 Punti 3 Now that i'm older, it's not that great. But keeps alot of nostalgia for me  

So my question is. Does anyone here on NintendoAge know how to make this Cart?
I have the case for it, but the PCB is not working.
So the only thing i need help with is the PCB.

.Rom file is attached. MOD EDIT: No ROMs of games you don't own the rights to, sorry ]]>