NintendoAge -Sqooner WTB: Sega Development Hardware 2017-12-28T09:53:29 -05.00 05sonicblue 1 Some of you may know that I'm a huge Sega Enthusiast and I'm getting closer to a full Genesis library. By profession, I'm a Software Engineer. I would like to start doing some development on the Sega platforms and I want to do it the way it was done when the system was release (for Genesis / Mega Drive, this means 68K Assembly). I plan on also doing some tutorial videos on my YT channel once I'm able to obtain the hardware. I'm primarily looking for DEV kits for Genesis / Mega Drive, but may also be interested in other Sega platforms. I have a computer from the mid 90's that I will be doing the development on, so I'm really hoping to obtain the ISA Cards to do real-time debugging.

Some examples of what I'm actively looking for include, but not limited to:

Cross Products Mega Drive / Mega CD Dev Unit
SNASM2 Mega Drive
PSY-Q Mega Drive Development System

Any leads you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I have an ebay watcher set up to notify me if one ever pops up, but that is rarely the case.

I'm also willing to trade some items from my collection for any of these units. ]]>