NintendoAge -Sqooner The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-04-27T14:52:24 -05.00 Brock Landers 45 The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-04-27T09:31:13 -05.00 Brock Landers 45 The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-04-26T23:20:47 -05.00 Brock Landers 45 Originally posted by: Brock Landers

Volume VII should be a month out, maybe less. A much quicker turnaound than last time where the fishing games (and a couple of vacations) really took it out of me.

I'm also working on being more concise.
I’m loving your reviews, Brock. I appreciate their length, actually, so if you want to be concise, that’s fine, but I’d be happy if you kept them the same length.

As for timing, sure, I’d love if they came out more frequently, but they never disappoint when they do arrive, so they’re definitely worth the wait.

Anyway, just wanted to throw my two cents in. Thanks for doing this! ]]>
The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-04-26T22:38:45 -05.00 Brock Landers 45 The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-04-23T01:17:14 -05.00 Brock Landers 45
I'm also working on being more concise. ]]>
The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-02-20T15:09:29 -05.00 Brock Landers 45
1. Because it's the sort of thing I would want to read. I'm a huge sucker for lists of the "top" anything, especially video games, and the more comprehensive they are the better. I have to echo Splain's sentiments that I would absolutely kill to read a complete set of writeups/rankings for the N64, or PS1, or whatever. Maybe someday someone else will tackle one of them.

2. If someone else reads this list and gets a kick of out of it, or discovers some awesome games (when I eventually get to them), then hey, I'll consider that a huge bonus. Plus, other mediums such as film are so well documented in comparison, whereas the video game world seems so fragmented and esoteric. Even though my writing is usually so personal (and silly) in nature, I'd like to think I'm archiving these games in a way. ]]>
The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-02-16T13:24:43 -05.00 Brock Landers 45 The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-02-13T17:37:16 -05.00 Brock Landers 45 The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-02-10T13:39:08 -05.00 Brock Landers 45 Originally posted by: Splain

You've got some great content on your site!
Thanks Splain! Hard to believe last month RVGFanatic turned 12 years old.

Brock, the same thing happened to the Video Game Critic. His earlier reviews used to be super short but later ones have been expanded. I too always say I am going to downsize my reviews but I invariably always seem to end up using 100+ pictures. Might be the OCD in me coming out! Might be for you as well in terms of length. Besides, it makes sense to write a little more about games with increasing merit.

Btw, I still have a sealed copy of Magic Boy from 13 years ago waiting to be unwrapped and played. ]]>
The SNES Rankings VI: Something Wicked This Way Comes 2019-02-10T01:06:00 -05.00 Brock Landers 45