NintendoAge -Sqooner Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-16T12:51:07 -05.00 Jono1874 10 Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-16T12:05:40 -05.00 Jono1874 10 Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-05T01:56:11 -05.00 Jono1874 10 Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-04T16:23:40 -05.00 Jono1874 10

Actually, the only problem iI've ever had with the AVS is with Family BASIC. It ocassionally sent me back to the AVS menu when I tried to run a large program with syntax errors in in it. I needed to use a real Famicom to debug the program before using the AVS again. I can't reproduce it immediately because I taped over the program after fixing the issue.

I only had the problem once with that one program. It's never happened again since. ]]>
Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-04T16:15:05 -05.00 Jono1874 10
- Two Player mode 

- Background Music  

- Track editor is a bit more sophisticated I believe.  

Cheapest way to play it would be with the Ram Adapter and FDSStick or just an Everdrive. 
Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-04T16:03:41 -05.00 Jono1874 10 Originally posted by: Jono1874
And yeah, it works with all three US released Programmable Series games. Sweet. Not that I'm rushing out to get a Fami keyboard and tape player, but still nice to know you can get the old tech to work.  

Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-04T15:59:27 -05.00 Jono1874 10
I didn't notice initially but it looks like the Tape Data also saves the fastest track time. And yeah, it works with all three US released Programmable Series games. ]]>
Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-04T15:52:29 -05.00 Jono1874 10
I thought about using the expansion port for the two player mode in Arkanoid II where you need two Fami Vauses (Vausii?) to work.
Originally posted by: dragonwarrior83
but I've been eyeballing the AVS for a few months but I have to wait until I start work again.
I highly recommend it, especially since the firmware issues are largely sorted out. There's some neat things you can do with one.

Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-04T15:51:34 -05.00 Jono1874 10 Loading Excitebike Tracks Via Tape with AVS 2018-07-04T15:41:19 -05.00 Jono1874 10
Load a saved Excitebike track using my childhood cartridge. 

As a kid, I'd sit there after having worked on a track for I don't even know how long, and nothing would load. As an adult I discovered that it had to do with a tape player interface that never made it to the US. Now, 20 years later, I've finally loaded an Excitebike track using the very same cartridge that caused me frustration before. It's cathartic to say the least.

It's also fascinating from a technical standpoint. There was no doubt that American cartridges could work with a tape player, but I don't think I've ever seen an example of it online anywhere so I uploaded a video of it to show that yes, this works.

The AVS is perfect for this kind of thing due to it's inclusion of the Famicom expansion port, which is neccessary to plug in the Family BASIC Keyboard in, which in turn is needed to plug in the Tape Player. It makes the entire thing a relatively viable thing to do as well, if you're willing to deal with some clutter on your entertainment stand and tape loading speeds.  ]]>